Saturday 19 November 2011

AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 19

Today's creation for AEDM is:
Another quick page in my horrid journal (which I think matches the theme of the journal exactly - don't like it at all, but I am a true believer in keeping all of your work, ugly or not) and some fabric beads:
Day 18's final word count for NaNoWriMo is not even worth mentioning. I did a few but not enough to update my word count because I had a lovely lady required a custom journal asap for a course she is taking. It was one of my prompted art journals, full of different media pages so I only had a couple of hours to print out all of the prompted chapters, cut the medias & personalise the covers:
I also had to move all of my perishable materials from my outdoor studio to my tiny indoor studio, so had to be pretty creative with space, here is my makeshift sewing space shoved in small area behind my workdesk's chair - so I have to squeeze myself in and out of it a bit haha:

So I didn't manage to get around as many blogs as I'd have liked yesterday, so if you left me a message thank you very much for your kindness and I'll hopefully have time to return the favour today.
Thanks for visiting, hugs Jennibellie x


  1. I usually think 'ugly' work as you put it, is nice. Your fabric beads look great fun to make. Will you put them into a necklace?

    Gwen xx

  2. What a gorgeous journal! And I like your journal page, too! She looks like one strong woman! Xoxo

  3. I'm loving the writing prompt journal!

    Don't worry about NaNo -- I assure you, you're way ahead of me! :)

  4. I love your work it woman! She's got attitude!

  5. The journal and page are great.

    Your creative space looks like mine - cramped. I aspire to an art room :)

  6. Actually, I quite like your 'horrid' journal and those beads are cute! I love how you make such wonderful things out of scraps or recyclable products. Btw, I had a chance to view both your journal tutorials and absolutely loved them. Thank you so much....I hope your creativity with journals is contagious.

    I'm sure you will manage just fine with your cramped sewing space. Easier to reach for things, right? ;)

    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Serena :)

  7. I still can't believe you're doing NaNo *and* AEDM, so I'm impressed that you've written as much as you have! Keep writing--you can do it!


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