Tuesday 5 July 2016

Tough Times, Choose Art

I’m going through a tough time (peeps that have seen the Monthly Challenge video will already know this) so I’m consciously making an effort to keep up creating art consistently, especially in those times when I feel upset/bad/confused and so find it difficult to reach for art despite knowing I will feel better for it. 

It can be easy to slip during such times, to make up (extremely plausible sounding) excuses and let your art go. 

I’m having to fight all that daily and choose art anyway because if you are a creative person it is SO IMPORTANT to give yourself this comfort/release/support/exploration/self care so that you can face the world and be the wholest version of yourself that you can possibly be in that moment in time, for yourself and others (not just for others!)…even if that means having to force yourself into it.

Art Journal Summer School started a few days ago, I’m so grateful for this because classes and groups are great guideline, a great place for this conscious effort to go. I’m going to be joining the other 500+ peeps in this class and go through the first weeks lessons tomorrow evening, if you want to join us the link is below or if you want a free ‘guideline’ then the link to my art communitys Monthly Challenge is also below. 

I’m hoping you’re living better times than I am right now but if not I know through this experience to urge you to pleeeease ensure you keep up your art…when no amount of love nor money might be able to help what is happening to you A*R*T STILL CAN. 
Choose Art

Art Journal Summer School -
July Monthly Challenge -

Love, always
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