Wednesday 16 August 2017

The Wisdom Journal (& Livestream)

Hey Love

I'm SO excited.

I have a BRAND NEW Journal Making Class Now OPEN!! Whoop Whoop!

The Wisdom Journal is about making your own survival guidebook of your own personal wisdoms. 

For more info visit: 
The Wisdom Journal {clickable}

In the Wisdom Journal Class we will:

*Make a Unique Journal - including creating pockets, decorating background papers before binding, crafting a decorative spine, adding a closure etc.

*Detect Our Wisdoms – what is to go in the journal? Well, we shall see…

*Art Journal – once we have done the work around finding/making our wisdoms we shall art them out in our fancy new handmade journal.

*Apply Our Wisdoms – we will look at how we can consciously apply our wisdoms in our life. This class is not about locking knowledge away in a book never to be seen again, it is about bringing awareness to light to use …and as a result create our own fabulously customised survival book to have forevermore and use as a tool.

Registration is open now for a CRAZY Low Early Bird Price

(or if it’s already a ‘YES’ workshop for you click ‘Join’ in the classroom here to secure your spot now:

Class Starts 1st Sept & you get LIFETIME access to the class content (so grab it now while it's a bargain!)

PS Last night I also did a facebook livestream on 'How to do Art the 'Right' Way' (yes...there is a right way, apparently) & I also showed a little more about the Wisdom Journal Class if you want to see it in 'person' as it were. Check it out here:

PPS This new class like all my classes are hosted on my art community Journal Workshops, you can sign up now for free and browse all the classes I have on offer if you wish, or even take a free one!
come join the family...we don't bite =)

Saturday 5 August 2017

How To Pick Which Project to Do {VIDEO: The 2 Ways of Creating}

Hey Love

I have recently discovered something about creativity. Through observing my own patterns of creating, and those of others through my creative coaching, I have discovered there are two main ways we create.

These two ways are SUPER useful to help you through many different stages of your projects, but mainly at the very beginning when you ask 'what project should I even do?'

Click here to watch the video:

Things Mentioned In Video -
*The Creative Instinct Video:
*Lots of new things added to my shop including artist goodies & classes as well as the creative coaching mentioned:

If you would another new video from me then I recently did a facebook live Monthly Challenge* which you can watch here: & I also sent around my monthly newsletter containing new videos so check that out if you are on my list (or if you're not you can sign up here: & receive a free Creative Ebook, Exclusive Videos, Collage Sheets, name a few - and you get brand new private giveaways, videos, articles & offers each and every month)

I'm off to go pick the winners for the fb live challenge, as I did a giveaway on there also, which I'm intending to do more of so if you've not already 'liked' my facebook page please do so (also hit the 'add page to favorites') to stay informed of these new fb lives and giveaways ;) 

Hop you're having a great creative weekend

*The Monthly Challenge is a free group I host on my online art community Journal Workshops. It is a monthly art date for us to stretch our art/journaling comfort zone in a supportive collaborative environment. If you are not yet a part of this Group come & join in with over 5000 creative comrades and get access to YEARS worth of archived challenges, complete with art vids from me & project shares from the other members, here:

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