Friday 24 April 2015

Cosmic Download Chronicles Part 2 (aka I'm flyinnng!)

Hello my gorgeous creative constellation (...I dunno, I'm flying high so I can only see you if you're amongst the stars!)

 I decided to do another vlog today, regarding an update on the 'Cosmic Download' blogpost I did a couple of weeks back. 

Lots of you were super intrigued about it so here's how I've flown on the current of my Cosmic Download (....and also what this doll's all about!):

Here's the RAAAW Intuitive Journaling Class preview
(and a special offer for you underneath

For full information of what this class is about (and to take advantage of this awesome 1/3rd off if it's a resounding YES to you) click the image above or this link here:

(here's a clue, it's a yes if you're heartgut or soul is saying so. If you don't listen then that's just strike one for not listening to your intuition in a long line that you and your art will now be missing out on by not being part of this class!)
'Honour Your True Feelings!'
(whatever they may be!)

have a great weekend
much love & arty hugs

Friday 17 April 2015

My 15 Minute Art Journal ~ Video Share & Ideas

Hi guys
Quick little video share today.

I keep being asked to share my current journals, so here is a quick look at one that I've been using off and on since last July I think.

In the meantime what I'm currently working on my Creative Cosmic Download from last week (vlog here if you didn't see what that crazy was all about - !) so I'll see y'all later, 

Have a great weekend

PS the ART SWAP Group opened on Journal Workshops this week - it's a great way to make new artists friends and to make & recieve some original artwork too. You can join the group just to take a peek right now if you'd like, no obligating to swap though they'll be plenty of chances coming up to change your mind! Click the image to take a look:

Friday 10 April 2015

How to Receive a Creative Cosmic Download


Okay so this week......ooooooh this week! 
I cannot really describe what has happened any better than in the vlog I just created below, but...

I am in awe.

I am in receptivity.

I am in appreciation.

I am in creative alignment.

I am in euphoric ecstatics!

So my vlog once again lives up to the term 'Weekly Ramble' that I have created here on fridays, bear this in mind - it's an off the cuff, unplanned {downloaded} chat. It is about things I am SUPER excited about which makes me more incoherent at times I expect...though I'm not sure, as I'm the one in my head it all makes perfect sense to me. Hope it does to you too, here it is:

{ The mentioned Birthday Bash can still be assessed here (but the energy won't be happening any more obviously as the event is over but there are still HUNDREDS of comments and shares and pictures in that group that still hold it's vibrancy). And the 'How to Create Big Projects' Video for those that may have missed it can be viewed here. }

Day of the Birthday Bash Art Party - Sweepiebum getting in on the action (or perhaps just noticing something else had mama's attention for the WHOLE very dare it!)

And so to wrap up (in case you missed it in the vlog) how do you receive a creative cosmic download on an super crazy EPIC scale? Simple answer is you let go of the reins and let your intuition bring it to you (which is what the new class will be ALL about). 

Stay tuned to Journal Workshops for the new Art Swap Group and Journaling Class that'll be coming out soon, eeeeek I'm so excited (and still shocked I'm even mentioning this before I have even one duck in a row, creative cosmic download what are you doing to me??? Eeeek - I've so many 'eeek's in me I'm bouncing off the walls!). 

Much love, Have a fabulously creative weekend =)

Friday 3 April 2015

I Dreamt I Was Painting

Last night, for the first time ever, I dreamt that I was painting.

I dream (and remember every detail) pretty much every night. Usually too complex for deciphering, more fantastical than any sci fi novel, often nasty and mostly not what I would be picking to spend my time thinking about if I had a choice. I now feel I have turned a corner.

Perhaps my subconscious has caught up with all this waking time holding a paintbrush...though I wouldn't bet on it. But I will revel in the dream I had last night, which is not in the least difficult to decipher.

Last night I was painting and as I looked at the work a great sense of safety washed over me. I was in the right place. 

Although I could not see the painting clearly, I did have a sense of it. It was warm and loving and drawing me in with every stroke. Every addition was intuitive, but intentional. Every single thing I added to the painting was like a little exchange between me and it. In return it gifted every addition to its layers with a reflection, bordering on revelation, back to me instantaneously.

The exchange of truth with this painting kept building, until it had given (and it's layers held) every answer to every question I've ever asked.

I woke up....and cannot remember any of them!

Well, that's not entirely true, I do remember the overall general reflection of the painting as a whole. It is perhaps the biggest (albeit simplest) reflection of them all. It was this:
This is important. And relaxing. And easy
You need to be here everyday.

So off I go, right now.
Who can argue with a dream?

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