Friday 22 February 2013

It's My Birthday...

we're gonna party like it's my birthday... 

or rather just a little art journal party, it's the first year I've ever managed to do a journal page on my birthday so thought I'd share the process via picture evolution. So I started off with this found object printed page from my Bunch of Backgrounds technique video:
At the top I wrote 'at 28' on one side and 'at 30/by 30' on the other, as I'm turning 29 this year I thought it was quite a milestone, last year of my twenties and I just wanted to reflect on what that means.
In my twenties I've lived in quite a few places, worked in LOADS of different industries, had many different lifestyles, had quite a few boyfriends, had juxtaposing friends & interests, collected quite a varied folder of qualifications and not all of it ever really felt like me. At 28 I felt like me and I had a lot less going on...which is probably why I could create & share so much online. I just wrote out everything to keep, throw out or improve upon before I turn thirty. Then I created frames using new washi tapes that I treated myself too as a birthday treat ;) 
I then painted in the frames, I picked this background as I wanted this to be easy, a quick treat before I head to bed, so I just painted some very carefree easy-peasy faces
Then I embellished them with little pictures, border strips, stickers & stuff that meant something to me (ie the embellie on the top left of the frame on 'at 28' page is the key, the embellie on the top left of the frame on 'at 30' page is a keyhole...yep I put in a sticker metaphor, coz I'm cool like that!! lol)
and now we're done & it's nearly 2am so I'm off to bed, I've only a chilled day planned tomorrow/today/whatever heck the day my birthday is, just the cinema and a meal, then next weekend is party weekend, and the weekend after that is an art party weekend wahoo!! Think I'm more excited about the art party if I'm honest, in fact I know I am because I'm getting boring in my increasing old age...and in fact to prove that this week I brought new clothes for the first time in forever and the whole thing was for knitwear jumpers and cardigans lol 'move out Granny I need your slippers' (no seriously, I need new slippers; they'll be next on the shopping list! lol)
Nighty night, sleep tight
Jennibellie xoxo


  1. happy birthday little one. i am so grateful you were born!

  2. Interesting...reflection is never a waste of time. Unless, of course, you do nothing with it. And you seem to always have something going on, so I must believe it was good for you! Thanks for sharing. And just wait until you turn 50. THEN you will really know yourself...perhaps :)

  3. happy b day wonderful jenni!!!!

  4. Happy happy birthday, hope you had a great day!

  5. You are wise beyond your years, Jenny. With every day that passes, you are growing more into who you were meant to be ... and that is someone who is pretty darned special, m'lady. God bless your Birthday with every happiness! {{{{special birthday hugs}}}} enjoy!!

  6. Happy Birthday! Sometimes the best way to celebrate is by having a chill day. (Or maybe I just say that 'cause I'm getting old, too.) ;)

  7. Happy Birthday Jennie.. ! :-)

  8. Hope you have a lovely day and that your wishes for the coming year including sharing more of your wonderful ideas & techniques with us! xxx

  9. YOU ARE AWESOME Jenny!!!! Have a wonderful birthday wenever that is! Pat yourself on the back for finding what truly makes you YOU by the age of 28 - for most of us it takes a LOT longer - much to my frustration. :o)

  10. Happy birthday, Jennibellie, you had me laughing at your increasing old age at 29! i am a dinosaur then!!!

  11. This has to be one of your best posts ever! you are just adorable jenny-jumpers and cardigans ;) nothin wrong with that my dear-you just be yourself. i really like this journal page and all that went into it-reflecting and looking ahead. the sticker metaphor and the darling little crown. washi tape-hooray!! this journal is looking like it's just about filled up. sounds like you have some fun things planned for your birthday. celebrate and enjoy it all :) happy birthday jenny! give your mum a big hug from me for the gift of you!! much love....jenny

  12. such great pages!! Hugs Juls

  13. Congratulations and thank you for sharing so much with us!
    best, Annie - the Netherlands

  14. Happy Birthday! Lets do a happy birthday dance ~~ \@0@/ haha

  15. Happy birthday to you, hope you like youre new year as a 29 year girl. Love the page you have created.
    Liefs, Melanie

  16. Happy Birthday dear JennY!!
    xxx Marianne

  17. Happy birthday Miss Jennibellie (again, since I already said so on facebook)! Love the journal pages. Thanks for sharing your creative journey with us and all your lovely ideas!

  18. Happy Birthday to you ..... Have fun! It's not everyday that you are 29. Love your blog.

  19. Aw...happy 29th birthday Jennibellie! Have a lot of fun...I will be thinking of you this birthday is Sunday. Isn't February a good month to be born? :)

  20. Happy Birthday!!!
    Hope you have an AWESOME day!!!
    I love the journal pages!!! ^-^

  21. Hoppy Bird Day, Jennibellie. I remember being your age and enjoying life so much. The years just keep getting better.

  22. Happy Birthday - hope you have had a fantastic day. Thank you for sharing the journal pages - beautiful as usual. x

  23. Happy Birthday and enjoy the "last year of your twenties". I found that my thirties were even better once I had got used to the idea!
    Have a great Arty Party too.

  24. Love your page, and mad jealous of your wonderful washi tapes. I'm old enough to be your Mum, so you are not old to me either, are you wearing purple yet? not old then.
    Enjoy your birthday celebrations x

  25. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays!! Enjoy!

  26. Happy Birthday girl!! Have a beautiful day!!

  27. Happy birthday, I was trying to think back to my 29th but I just can't remember back that far to whati was doing then. Hope you have a great time!

  28. Happy Birthday!!!!!

  29. Happy Birthday Jenni!

  30. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Jennibellie, Happy Birthday to you, and many more!!! My birthday was Feb 7!!
    Have a wonderful day and a lot of good times at your parties!!

  31. Happy Birthday sweetie...have a blast

  32. Happy Birthday!!!! Beautiful to see your 'process' X

  33. Happy Birthday! I hope this year brings you as much joy as you have brought to me and all of your followers. A day is always brighter and filled with creative inspiration when Jennibellie makes an appearance. Have fun at all your parties! Christie

  34. I hope your Birthday is filled with nothing but fabulous and sparkly things!!!!

  35. Hau'oli La Hanau!... Happy Birthday...wishing you joy, love and creative abundance... 29 is such a FAB year...Aloha.

  36. Happy birthday! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful, inspiring pages. Hope it's an awesome year for you! =)

  37. Hope you had the happiest of birthdays, Jennibellie! Did you get any slippers yet? I must agree wholeheartedly with Christie, above - the day IS brighter and filled with inspiration when your blog or YouTube appears. I hope this year is filled with wonderful things for you. Thanx for being who you are, Jenni. You are a very special person.

  38. Forgot to say - LOVE the pages!!! Love to you, Jennibellie.

  39. Happy Birthday! When I think way back to when I turned 29 I know I didn't have the wisdom that you do. I turned 60 in Dec and I am still now sure that could possibly be the right number. LOL Great page and I love all the layers.

  40. LOVE your birthday pages! Enjoy your 29th year. I'm turning 49 next month.

  41. Happy Birthday... hope you had a wonderful day and the year ahead finds you blessed in every way. Got a birthday coming in March myself... I'll be 62 and in June this year I'll reach my 6th year as a cancer survivor... YIPEE... life is good.

  42. Fabulous pages...have a great year!

  43. Happy, Happy Birthday Jennibellie! :) Hope your day was wonderful! Hugs from Ohio!<3

  44. Dear Jennibellie lots of love for your birthday!!! Mine was on the 22 of February but I turned 48 and I feel 18 ;O)))


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