Friday 9 November 2012 2 videos

Hi guys, I've two new videos for you. 
I know, I know I've done quite a few videos over the last couple of weeks; I think it is subconsciously because we are now in November my video muse is anticipating being engulfed by the chaos of Christmas and new year, which I usually emerge from in February wondering what on earth happened lol so I guess she's trying to get her stuff done now so she (and you!) can also have a break from Jennibellie vids for a bit...may be, we'll see ;)
The first one I uploaded a couple of nights ago is an easy & super quick (under 3 min) texture technique video:
The second video I posted this evening is where I have developed this technique into a full journal page & show my complete process. Sometimes I think having extreme texture on a page can be daunting, as you're not sure what to do on top of it. Therefore as I created this page I talked through my material and process choices for ensuring I kept all the texture incorporated into the page, because if you embrace the texture & make the page all about it it can be loadsa fun:
I hope you enjoy, please feel free to 'like' & share with friends or let me know what you think. Much love & happy weekend, Jennibellie =) x


  1. I love how you used the sample/practice page to make your embellishments. Great idea. Do you spray all your pages with hair spray? I have only been using one side of the page so I don't mess up the other. I need to try the hair spray.

  2. I love how you used the sample/practice piece as your embellishments. Do you hairspray all your pages? I have only been working on one side of the paper because otherwise they smudge. Would hairspray stop that? Or is it only for certain mediums. Thank you so much for your videos. I always learn something and get inspired.

  3. take a break from jennibellie videos??!!!! you must be joking !!! NO we dont need a break! :o)

  4. thank you for more yummy videos Jenny. "need a break from Jennibellie videos"- I DONT think so!!!!! :o)

  5. Thanks for those very interesting videos, your blog is full of awesome stuff, thank you so much for sharing!

  6. LOVED these videos, please keep them coming! A million thank yous!

  7. Loved the videos and this journal page! Amazing! And I'm thrilled with how you used flowers in this one. So unique! Thank you!! :-)

  8. Hi Jennie-As always, thank you for your generosity and kindness to all of us.I hope one day I can teach people such wonderful things, too! It all looks so easy when you show us how, doesn't it? You help me to open my mind and consider many more things around the house to do art with! I will never look at cereal boxes, etc. the same way again! Hello from California!

  9. Thank you so much for this great techniques... looks stunning!
    GREAT as ever!

  10. Great tutorials. Thanks for telling us about the hairspray after using the oil pastels or anything that has oil in it. That is something I did not know.


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