Tuesday 27 January 2015

Tell All Tuesday ~ Featured Artist: Paula Haynes

Hello, hope you've had an awesome start to this week
(can you believe it is the last week of January already? seesh)
It's tuesday yay! so here's your weekly artist interview inspiration hit, enjoy!

Tell us a little bit about yourself & what kind of artist you are.
Hello, I am so excited to be apart of this great ,"Tell All Tuesday". Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Paula Decker Haynes and I am married with one son and two daughters. I have five grandchildren and a sixth on the way. I reside in a small town where my husband and I own and operate a small business. I run a small Primitive Decor and craft shop which I am changing out to have an art studio where I will be able to teach more art classes.

What is the biggest challenge you personally face as an artist and how do you overcome it?
One of the biggest challenges with my art is simply having time to do it. I start a piece and something comes up either with the business or an illness in the family and there goes my time to do art. Because I have fibromyalgia I have to get plenty of rest so sometimes it really is a challenge to find the time I need to get into my art. I have learned over time to relax with it. To just do it when I can and trust my gut to go where I need to when I can spend time creating. I have learned to just enjoy the process and that has made a huge difference for me.

What messages do you try to portray in your work and do you feel that you achieve it?
I want to convey who I am through my art as well as who I want to be, the things I like and places a would love to go to. I am a follower of Jesus and although my painting rarely mention him or my relationship with him, I hope that it shines through in my art presentation. 

What advice would you offer to any perspective new artist?
I would suggest that you just get some basic supplies, good ones because they do make a difference and just have fun. Try to get in a group on facebook or online that is challenging you to try something at least once a week or everyday if you have the time. Join in an art studio if you have one near you. It will keep you motivated and you will be with others who will give you encouragement. Lastly just have fun. Every time you create it may not be a masterpiece but you will learn and grow and it is so therapeutic. It has gotten me through some really difficult times.

Tell us where can we find out more about you & your art?
I have a couple of Facebook pages, an etsy shop and my brick and mortar shop where my art can be found. Paula's originals and My Fathers House on Facebook and Etsy. My shop is at 207 E Main St., Clarkson,Kentucky. 

Thank you for sharing your story and some of your art with us Paula, what you said about following your gut...that is something I totally agree with and have just flowed into in almost all I do recently, but most especially art. What I will say is there is always reasons why we don't have as much time to do art as we'd like (I hear it on here all the time and if I ever mentioned how much doing admin for my art - for instance all the emails I get, work on my art community or etsy shop etc - cuts into my time for doing art, I think people would be really, really shocked) but please see any time you have to take out for your business as a wonderful thing, because oh my goodness your shop is adorable and something that I think many of us crave for. One of my own personal dreams is to have a physical space like so to teach in etc so sincerely well done and I really hope you love your new teaching space when it's complete (would love to see some finished pics?!)

Do you wana join the TATiness ... ???
Email me or click the link to find all the details here =)


  1. A pleasure to meet you Paula!! Love your art and style - such fun! Thank you for sharing yourself with us via Jenny's TAT!

  2. Paula ... thanks so much for sharing with us - it's nice to meet you!


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