Saturday 16 June 2012

Rubbish Stencil Tutorial

...or a tutorial where stencils are made from rubbish, whichever way you want to look at it I won't be offended lol  
So since yesterdays post about feeling dissatisfied with lack of creativity I have, today, created! Wahoo! I've done some drawing in my moleskine, painted the covers of my cousins new baby's journal, altered my studio a little and made these:
Well actually I made these last night. They are stencils made by recycling rubbish, and in fact also recycling some of your own artwork. I made these for the requested video below:
Not about amount of creativity for 14 or so hours me thinks, certainly better than the rest of the week. As for the emails....well a chip has been made of the block at least.

Hoping you're having an utterly creative day where you are xx


  1. will watch your new video later, look forward to it. Glad you have found time to catch up with creating, gets me so frustrated when life gets in the way, I think I could quite easily become a hermit.

    I look forward to some journal and painting time tomorrow.

  2. Hi, Jennibellie! I found your videos today and passed one on to my son in law who is having his first solo gallery show in the uk! He was feeling a bit "unworthy" and I know your believe in yourself video really blessed him. I am an artist too and it reaLly helped me. I aprpreciate your taking your precious time to encourage us out here in viral land- fighting those gremlins!!!!!
    Encourage on sweet artist sister!!!! The world needs your (my) (our) voices!!!!!!!!!! Mary

  3. Hi Jennibelle!
    Thanks for sharing your knowlegde, your beautiful art, and the way you explain it day after day. I love to see your videos.
    Have a nice day

  4. Inspirational and beautiful work as always! I love to use all kinds of things to make stamps, stencils, embellishments etc. It feels so good to make something out of, well, rubbish. :)

  5. yesterday wasn't creative, but i did go to the "big city" (or bigger than where i live) and bought pretty papers (to liven up my collection) at a wonderful craft store, and then an even more wonderful scrapbook store. hoping to use some of it today. and i'm going to watch your stenciling tutorial when i have more time.

  6. thank you for stopping by :)
    can't believe my entry won this week... feeling very proud...
    hope you have a greatly creative week :) x

  7. Thank you much for sharing this bit - I found it particularly heartwarming since I felt rather silly about making a bunch of stamps recently, out of foam bits I had left (and I couldn't tear myself away from the AC to travel to the ONE scrappy store we have, for some stamps)- good to know you do it as well!
    ONE thing I wanted to know that bit you get left with after you POKE the sequins out? where can I get that?
    Thanx much again for all your love for sharing what you know:D

  8. I just love all your work! Thank you for sharing it all. You are an inspiration!

  9. Amazing work.. I am big fan of DIY loved what you shared

  10. Impressing it look good...Such a beautiful master piece ..Keep up the good work!

  11. Thanks again for sharing your beautiful work!! You make everything look so easy and I love reusing things around the house. You are very inspiring! PJ Taylor


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