Monday, 16 October 2017


It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a busy day.

It doesn’t matter if people are relying on you, and you are the ONLY person in the whole wide world who can do this specific thing for them.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve got better things to be doing.

If you need to make art today *DO IT*.

It is not selfish.

It is not irresponsible.

That’s just society’s echo of ‘sacrifice is what makes you a decent person’ ringing in your ears. 

You can leave that voice somewhere else…preferably the garbage bin.

You can find five minutes.


Hell you’ve found five minutes for blog hopping haven’t you?

Yeah I am calling you out on all the levels right now.

Because you deserve the break.

You deserve the joy.

You DESERVE to feel whole.

TAKE THE TIME to create for yourself today.

So stop the excuses and stop the procrastinating, go and make your shizzle.



  1. Thank you, I needed to be told. It's so true that there is always something that needs to be done but having some creative me time is what balances my mind. Thank you x

  2. Love this might have to hang it up in my craft room!


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