Friday 30 October 2015

The Creative Instinct

Hi guys

I was going to write a post today (as mentioned in the video I made instead below) continuing on from the 'marinating' post I did last week and my Creative Instinct. 

Then I realised while I've spoken of the Creative Instinct a lot on this blog (I even have a tag for it on the right, and I'm not very good at keeping up the correct categories on this blog so I think that says how important it is to my creativity) I'm not sure I've ever fully gone into depth about what it is. I mean I might of given a description when I first started writing about it, but I never brought it up properly as a 'thing' to you guys, and yet I think it might be able to help one or two of you to identify this aspect of your Creative Self, so here's the full video version of 

The Creative Instinct:
click the image to be taken to the youtube video

I hope you have an awesome weekend 

PS If you would like another vid from me tomorrow be sure to open my email if you're on my newsletter list for an exclusive 'Ask Jennibellie' video all about writing in your art journals. 
If you're not on my list click on the image above to sign up or here: Jennibellie's Newsletter
 (it's free & I'll even gift you lotsa goodies for joining)

PPS If you are intrigued by the RAW Intuitive Journaling Class you can click on the image below to be taken to a page of the full details, watch a video, see what's included etc:

 Happy Halloween weekend 


  1. Great video! This is something that has been on my mind lately. Time to let the creativety out!

  2. Ok, this is just brilliant! How did you get to be so wise at such a young age? I have always told people I put aside my arty inspirations all those years I raised kids but just had this epiphany while watching your video that I never really stopped, it just took different forms. For example I volunteered in the mental health profession teaching, guess what, art classes! So while all those years I wasn't always putting paint on paper I was doing arty things! That just made me so happy. Silly maybe but Thank you! For helping me to realize this! Your right! It just bubblesv up out of you.


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