Hi guys
last tuesday of November HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?? lol
but it is tuesday so here's a fab artist interview for you - check out these bears, I'm in love!!
Tell us a little bit about yourself & what kind of artist you are.
I have always found it hard to put into words what kind of artist I am. I love all mediums and I like to try everything. I never follow patterns or rules, I just see an image in my head and go for it. I have had no formal training. Like most kids I learnt how to knit and sew before starting school. After mum had done all her chores she would pull out a box of wool and bits and pieces and we would play. Before I knew it I had created something for my dolls to use. I have never known restrictions on creating. So I guess I’m a free form artist. I love spinning fibres into beautiful wearable art and I never repeat the same thing twice. I love that there is only one of it’s kind out there. At the moment I’m very much into making books, journals with secret compartments and different handmade papers inside for people to add to and make it their own. I like to create art that people can interact with and add their own flavour too. Art that keeps on giving.
What is the biggest challenge you personally face as an artist and how do you overcome it?
My biggest challenge is getting started. Especially when all my ideas come to me at night when it’s too late to start anything. At times I do. My husband and I will be chilling watching a movie and then I jump up turn all the lights on and start pulling everything out of my stash, spreading beads, threads, wool and paper all over the dining table and just going for it. If I don’t and the notion passes and its lost forever. My husband is quite used to it now lol.
Do you ever lose your mojo, and if so, how do you get it back?
Yes, I do lose my mojo and it’s a horrible feeling! I hate! When I do, I like to surround myself with other creative people. Even if it’s just chatting about their last creation. Their passion on what they do normally rubs off. Or I will get on line and see what the rest of the world is up to, but nothing beats it more than going into a fantastic book store and running my fingers through the books in the Arts and Crafts section getting inspiration from endless possibilities.

What advice would you offer to any perspective new artist?
I would have to say don’t be afraid to just start creating. Don’t put yourself into an “ Artist" category, get rid of the labels until you know who and what you are. Be and do what comes natural to you. Don’t worry if your friends and family don’t get it (as its them that’s missing out) for there will always be someone who loves what you do. It took me many years to overcome this, so don’t be hard on yourself and just enjoy the creative journey. Tell us where can we find out more about you & your art?
You can find me at www.traceylee.com.au I have face book and a blog. I’m a bit naughty not keeping my blog updated, but I’m hoping to get better.
Thanks so much for sharing your art and work Tracey, as I said at the intro, I am in LOVE with your bears! Doll making is so on my creative to do list, but like all of us there is a bunch of other stuff on there I want to do & art journaling and journal making is always my first love so it gets sidetracked but seeing those gorgeous creations gets me inspired for it again - even if all I do is sketch a couple of ideas in my ideas journal so thank you so much for that =)
Do you want to see your work here?

To be featured email me or find all the details here =)
Hi Tracey...thanks for sharing yourself here on Jennibellie's blog. The teddies are adorable! I love the little leg warmers on the one up front. Too cute! I think I may have just become your latest facebook fan.
ReplyDeleteHi Rett, thank you so much for your lovely comment. The T Lee Bears are so much fun to make and I never know how they will look until I have finished. Thank you for liking my facebook and I hope you enjoy many more of my creations. Cheers Tracey Lee xox