Friday 27 November 2015

Black Friday Loveliness?

***Black Friday Sale, All My Classes Now 50% OFF***

I see this year Black Friday has split people totally down the middle. Some see awfulness, others see loveliness...and (I think seeing as I'm an online, rather than in person, shopping kinda gal) I fall on the side of Loveliness. 

I LOVE how I can indulge in bunches of art supplies that normally I would consider a little too pricey or frivolous (why do I need another set of pencils when I have several sets barely touched? etc). 

And I LOVE how I can get education products for things that normally I wouldn't buy just because I'm slightly interested in the topic (for instance this morning I brought a podcast class, not because I'm definitely wanting to start a podcast, just because I'm interested in the subject and would like to learn more). 

I suppose what I really LOVE is the options Black Friday gives and the PERMISSION you then give yourself to allow yourself to experience new things you may not have be open to before (basically if you were paying full price - because, you know, we all love a bargain).

So in light of this I wanted to add to this feeling and offer 50% off of all of my Classes.

Want to learn how a new way to make a journal? I got you covered. Want to learn how to put more you in your journals?  I got you covered. Want to experience how to connect your emotions to your art through things like symbolism?  I got you covered. 

Give yourself permission to have the new experience you want.

Click the image or link above to check out the classes on offer and enjoy 50% off each class
(all class are crazy prices starting at only £10 but just for this weekend only!)

I’ve never offered this huge reduction before, and to be honest I’m not sure I’ll do it again so now is the perfect time to stock up on the classes you want.

Hope you have an awesome weekend

PS 'ALL my classes' really does mean ALL MY CLASSES, so my Brand New Journal Playdate is also included in this offer! Pretty crazy, but he'd feel lonely if I left him out =)

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