Wednesday, 7 December 2011

A Horrid Week - In Journal Pages

Hello blog that I have abandoned, computer that I have not turned on and emails that I have not checked for an entire week! I have had an horrendous time with a week-long headache, sometimes drugs helped other times (most times) not. Even as someone who suffers migraines often with constant sickness and dizziness I have never experienced anything like that. SO glad it's over and I'm back!
 I only have to share these rather dull minimal effort pages that I did during that time, but I wanted you to show you I was still alive :)
 (this one has secret writing in the hair)
I have just started working on (a journal) something I am excited about though so here's a sneak peek - 
It's beadalious, and I'll probably do a video flip of it for my next blog post. Now I'm off to see what I have missed this last week in our fantastic blogland, though with how fast our world spins thinking that may take me another week to do that lol thanks for visiting Jennibellie x


  1. you and i have something in common (other than art) - migraines. yuk. :-(
    Hope you feel better. I always feel a bit numb for a few days after.
    Love the 1st piece you posted here... great work. Have a restful Wednesday.

  2. You did all this goodness with the headache from Hades? They are fabulous! I'm glad your feeling better!

  3. So sorry you had to deal with a week long headache, Jenni! Last year, I suffered severe pain at the back of my head that went on for three you wasn't like any migraine I'd ever had and it was extremely debilitating. Only an asprin type drug gave any relief. I'm so glad you're over the worst of it and, hopefully, you won't experience anything like it again.

    I love all your pages!

    Enjoy the rest of your week,

    Serena xo

  4. Jenny, thanks for your sweet comments on my shrine and for visiting my blog! Your drawings are gorgeous. And love, so sorry to hear you were sidelined with your migraines again. You and Mel Stampz, both at the same time. Poor babies. I wish they could develop colored glasses to wear to make them go away...they are doing research along those lines, believe it or not. It would be awesome. xoxo

  5. These pages are anything but dull! :)

    I hope you never, ever get a headache that bad again. Have fun catching up in blogland! :):)

  6. SO glad that the headache has finally departed... I know it will take you a couple of more days to really get into the swing of things again. The work you did get done is fantastic!!! When I have a headache nothing gets done.

  7. oh my I can't believe you think this is minimal! These pages are TERRIFIC!
    I've been following you and just remembered how I can post a comment successfully now (duh). I don't get migraines but I do get bad sinus headaches, so bad that my teeth, both top and bottom, are hurting, but I do know enough people to know that its nothing compared to migraines. But either way I wouldn't wish any of the above on anyone. Glad you are better!

  8. Welcome back, I was wondering where you had wandered off to.

    Glad to hear you're on the mend, and I'm impressed that you still managed to create, even with the headache.

    looking forward to seeing the mystery journal unveiled :)

  9. My, is this headache thing contageous over the internet or something? I suffered from a similar week a short while ago. Glad things are turning around for you now, cause it really sucks to feel that way. Great to see you still got some pages done and I love that beady stuff, can't wait to see what it turns out to be. Beautiful. Take care!

  10. I am so glad you are better and very glad you are back. I have missed you!
    Your work is far from dull. I don't know how you can say is so full of colour and texture:)

    The faces are very clever and well drawn and painted and I am looking forward, very much to seeing your journal:)

  11. Oh, you poor thing, with the horrible week o'headache--so glad you're feeling better! I'm looking forward to seeing more of the beadalicious journal. I'm still working on my first cereal box journal--my friend and I are each doing one (a la Jenny) as Christmas gifts for each other. I should be able to post pics next week :)

  12. Ooh very nice. I especially like the first two!


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