Saturday 17 September 2011

My First Ever Give Away (and Journal Making Tutorial)

Hello lovely people

Well I have to say I've had rather a good week for receiving goodies. I've had an abundance of new papers to make journals with, including a huge amount of ephemera I have discovered, which includes everything from a beautiful illustrated 1877 edition of Don Quixote for 50p to Queens Alexandra's 1908 Photo Book and Players Cigarette Cards book full of the original Hollywood Stars.  But what I have loved receiving the most is this beautiful bag I have received from Jan over at Lunch Lady Jan's Fabric Frenzy:

It was her first ever giveaway, and my first ever entry into one and I'm so thrilled with it I can't tell you, it's new employment is my studio bag as it is such a fantastic size it allows me to carry whole projects between my two studios.  So thank you Jan, as I'm a firm believer in karma your generosity has inspired me to do a giveaway of my own, so here it is:

It is an art journal I have created from 100% recycled materials, as you may have seen with my last blog post I am getting more and more conscious of consumer waste and making everything as eco-friendly as humanly possible so this journal was created from cereal boxes.

I am going to pick a winner on 30th September when I will automatically enter all of my followers (as I'm so very grateful to have you considering I'm still a newborn blogger) and anyone that has left a comment on this post. So if you are a follower and a commenter you will be entered twice.

However as I enjoy making videos I decided to do a tutorial on how I made this journal for anyone who likes the look of giving it a go themselves, seeing as there can be only one actual winner of the piece itself.  Here it is, hope you enjoy and good luck if you enter:


  1. I am so loving this art journal! I'm heading to my basement later tonight to make one.

  2. This is the best 16 minutes I've spent online in a LONG time. I LOVE the journal and will definitely try my hand at making one...or several...or maybe hundreds!!! And...I love your accent and the way you use up EVERYthing!!!

  3. O.K.. Here I am! Just saw your video, LOVE you journal, and left a comment there. I am a follower, so please do enter my name for the giveaway! Thanks! (Oh, and I'm so jealous about those Hollywood Stars cigarette cards! I've heard of these cards before, and was intrigued with them! LUCKY YOU to have them now! They must be a real treasure!!) ~tina

  4. hI, jENNY! I am a devoted email follower, flickr friend, and youtube subber of yours, and while I mostly refrain from entering giveaways, I am unabashedly throwing my hat in this ring with a hearty PickMe! PickMe! hehehe Just to have one of your journal creations -- from a cereal bar box no less (and I have tons of granola bar boxes same size!) - it would be like finding gold. You are truly one of the rockstars of this medium. xoxo, Aimeslee

  5. Giveaways are great. Im a lurker on Facebook groups for beauty companies. I've won so much stuff that I'm starting to feel a little bit cheeky. I'm definitely hoping to giveaway some stuff on my blog when I've got a few more viewers but ATM I'm too small and it wouldn't be much of a competition ha ha ha. Eyeing the sketchbook with shamelessly hungry eyes...

  6. That's so pretty!!! There's so much detail.

  7. Wonderful journal and video, thank you.
    Halochanel at gmail dot com

  8. Beautiful journal, and fantastic tutorial! :)

  9. Very cute!! I enjoyed watching the video, very creative.

  10. I just finished watching your video - WOW!! I loved it. Thanks for the opportunity for someone to win this fabulous art journal. I am already a follower of yours but I could not pass up leaving a comment to say WOW and THANK YOU for sharing your creativity and video talents. Looking forward to Sept 30th to hear the results ;-)

  11. Hi sweet Jenny,

    Oh I am soooo Happy for you!! Your first giveaway!! YiiPPEE!!! I admire your talent so much!! I visit your etsy shop at least once a day to drool over everything you make!!
    I would be honored to be entered in your first ever giveaway!! I am a very happy follower of yours as you already know!!

    Hugs and Smiles :)...


  12. Hi Jenny,

    I have a surprise for you!!
    Come on over to my blog.
    I wrote about "You"!!!

    Hugs xxoo :)


  13. wonderful journal! But, all your journals are pretty wonderful... lol! And thanks for doing a giveaway. These are always fun!
    Please add me to your drawing!

  14. Found you blog through one of my blog friend, your jounals are wonderful, and your tutorial great, I'm a new follower.

  15. GFC follower! I hearted your shop on Etsy.

    contactlillea at gmail dot com

  16. It is really really beautiful!
    Thanks for this giveaway!

  17. Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. Wow - what an absolutely beautiful journal! It's so whimsical and inspires me to have fun with my art. I'm a follower too :)
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  19. Hi - I am a new follower. What a GREAT idea for a journal. I am really hoping I win it. It is beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway!!!!
    brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

  20. Sweetie, this is a beautiful piece! Thanks for sharing your journal and talent


  21. Beautiful journal! Love it! :)

  22. What a great Sunday afternoon find - your blog!
    Was going through all my Flickr favs and linking to blogs when I stumble my way here and so much goodness. Spent the afternoon watching all your videos - fantastic.
    Look forward to reading and seeing much more!

  23. OHHH I love this journal! I'm a follower and I'm posting a comment! Here's my email:

    I hope I win! Cereal boxes?? Wonderful! :)

  24. I would love to win this journal! It looks so cool!! I would love to make my own too!

  25. Isn't it amazing how cereal boxes and scrap can make something so beautiful. Thanks for uploading the video and for hosting this giveaway.

    lukathewriter (at) gmail (dot) com

  26. Such a pretty journal, would be great for a goals book! Thanks for the contest opportunity! :)

  27. I hope to win this

    mubinster at gmail dot com

  28. Following you through GFC

    mubinster at gmail dot com

  29. I'd love to win this terrific giveaway!

  30. I can't wait to see what you make with the Don Quixote. What a find!

    nikxmarie at gmail dot com

  31. Cool giveaway and great blog! I am now a follower.

  32. Jennibellie, truly and magically delightful! : ) Your journals are so wonderfully enchanting!

    Thanks so very much for this truly generous giveaway! : )


  33. that looks like so much fun! thanks for the tutorial :)

  34. how fun. i really like that you use all sorts of materials. i follow as well.

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  35. So nice to meet you! I found you tonight over at Susan's lovely site.
    Love your beautiful journals. I am a new follower and looking forward to getting to know you.

  36. This is a wonderful journal and I love how you showed how you made it in a video. Thanks so much for sharing!

  37. Lovely! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    lesliedoll at hotmail dot com

  38. beautiful
    nannypanpan at

  39. It's nice to find someone else who can't throw away a cereal box! Love the journal and thanks for the giveaway.

  40. Hi Jenny. I found you because you added me as a contact over at flickr. Love your journal and the video is great. Thanks for sharing with us. Have added you to my google reader feed.

  41. Jenni loved the way you made this journal, more and more I too am concious at how much waste there is, just last week we were given another bin (3 in total) for recycling all the waste, was thinking how I can also recycle through art shredded paper from confidential material, will post some pictures when finished. Love to be entered in the draw...blessings

  42. this journal is so lovely thanks for the giveaway

  43. Soooo beautiful!!! Would love this. So many ideas:) I am a Follower, too!

  44. Your journals are gorgeous, I'm going to come back and watch the video I'd love to learn how to make one of these. What a great giveaway!

  45. awesome journal! I hope I win it! :-)

  46. I just discovered your lovely blog! And now I follow this blog via Google Friend Connect {Lesli}

    littleumbrella (at) wow (dot) com

  47. THIS JOURNAL IS LOVELY!!! Hope I win this!

  48. This is fantastic!

    languagelady at gmail dot com

  49. Hey, Jenny! Loved your video, and the resulting journal is awesome! I've just spent the last 3 hours surfing blogs, and I feel like my brain has swollen with creativity! Thanks for all your inspiration on this very lovely Sunday! Hugs - Angelia

  50. Yeah! I have made it in time! :)I love your journals, so I am hoping I am the lucky one. Thank you for offering a chance to win. I really enjoyed watching the video too. You are SO creative!!

  51. I am totally in love with this amazing eco friendly art journal...and what can be merrier in this that I am an art lover myself...would love to win this...Thank you so much for this lovely giveaway by you ^_^

  52. Very cute! I'd love to win it.

  53. Thanks for the giveaway!
    It's a gorgeous book!

  54. That is awesome.. I love this journal.. so many textures! heinzmom at hotmail dot com

  55. I'm hearting this journal!
    sezouli at yahoo dot com

  56. I really like the journal. It is so cute.

    supaflychikenpi2 AT gmail DOT com

  57. I love the journal! It would be the perfect thing to keep my sweet memories.

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  58. I follow this blog via Google Friend Connect.

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  59. Beautiful! I love how it is made from cereal boxes too! What a great use for them instead of just tossing them! So creative!

    {KarisaTomkinson at gmail dot com}

  60. Great video! I teach teenagers how to keep visual journals. You've inspired me to teach them how to make the journal itself! Thank you!

    charlene dot freeman at me dot com

  61. You've inspired me! I'm going to watch your video..I'M thinking what great presents these would make! =) Thanks!

  62. I am a follower too! Enter me in the giveawaaaaay please!

    charlene dot freeman at me dot com

  63. THis is so cool!!! I have just learned how to bind journals and I am hooked!! Thank you for the video!!

  64. I spend quite a lot of time on your site for the great tutorials. I just got to this one a year late. lol
    This is such an inspiring piece of work. I just finished watching you make your stamps with cardboard and yarn and it was amazing.
    I figure it will take a long time to just sit and enjoy watching you make magic.
    North Carolina USA

  65. Hi Jennie :) I have just finished watching your 'believe in yourself'video.I could relate to much of what you said.It is true .Us 'Arty types'can be our own worst enemy*You are very inspiring and your videos are a joy to watch** I am so pleased you are doing what you were obviously meant to do!!I love making Art.I could (and have at times)spend hours doing so;)I notice that you are a tactile person like me and love the feel of your work.The way you make beauty out of just 'stuff' is fabulous* Cheers from downunder Jo xx


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