Hi Guys, just a quick one before the big day, but I'm including pictures of christmas presents I am in the process of making...just because it feels odd to do a post without pictures lol.
Here's the message I really want to tell you though in the below video, I'm having tons of ideas of how to make them and will probably do more than one tutorial, as right now I can't pick my favourite journal idea to do! Haha
A final MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR wish from me, love you all :) xx
Saturday, 24 December 2011
If you want a free journal save your Christmas cards
Monday, 19 December 2011
Boy Oh Boy! A Completed Art Journal (& Video Flip)
I have done a two-part video flip of all the pages (gotta love flippages)
I only really talk about materials in these videos, because I always like to know what other artists like to use, but I have to say my favourite supply I found through process of this journal was a humble pencil. One water-soluable graphite pencil, ummmmm, here are a couple of pages in this journal I made with the pencil and not yet shown on here:
You know what? If all I got for Christmas was a lump of charcoal I'd reckon I'd be pretty chuffed haha
Just in case I don't get to blog again before the 25th MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE!
art journals,
book arts,
journal page,
Friday, 9 December 2011
The Weirdo Art Book
In my last post I sneaked a pic of my new beadalious book, so here's the finished article:
Believe it or not this whole book only took one sheet of A1 paper to create. I first folded the paper, then tore (there's no precision cutting in the whole book), then painted. It was very freeing.
All the pages inside are completed too
Here is a video flip through if you want to see all of the pages & construction of the book:
Linking to artists in blogland, sneak peek friday & paint party friday. Happy weekend everyone :) x
Here is a video flip through if you want to see all of the pages & construction of the book:
Linking to artists in blogland, sneak peek friday & paint party friday. Happy weekend everyone :) x
book arts,
handmade journals,
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
A Horrid Week - In Journal Pages
Hello blog that I have abandoned, computer that I have not turned on and emails that I have not checked for an entire week! I have had an horrendous time with a week-long headache, sometimes drugs helped other times (most times) not. Even as someone who suffers migraines often with constant sickness and dizziness I have never experienced anything like that. SO glad it's over and I'm back!
I only have to share these rather dull minimal effort pages that I did during that time, but I wanted you to show you I was still alive :)
(this one has secret writing in the hair)
I have just started working on (a journal) something I am excited about though so here's a sneak peek - 
It's beadalious, and I'll probably do a video flip of it for my next blog post. Now I'm off to see what I have missed this last week in our fantastic blogland, though with how fast our world spins thinking that may take me another week to do that lol thanks for visiting Jennibellie x
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
NaNoWriMo - Did I do it???
This posts title I added yesterday, when I did this as a draft post to keep the Nanowrimo stat's I had accumulated safe, and decided to keep it to tease lol. Here are yesterday's stats that I didn't post earlier:
I've had a banging headache for two days and taken everything from ibuprofen and co-codamol to my migraine medication and the bugger is still there (grrr!) so I honestly didn't know if I'd hit the 2,917 to finish today. But I'm beginning to see my perpetual headaches and migraines as an irritating boyfriend, one who tries to prevent me from doing exactly what I want - so that there's no doubt that I'm going to overcome the wretched things with a 'no way, hosay!' attitude.
So I won! Yay! Although the novel isn't finished I made it over the line this month with 50,110 words. BTW those of you who read the excerpt I previously posted of my novel, that was a dream my main character was having. I put one in after I watched one of the Nanowrimo videos, where a girl puts them in whenever she gets stuck, and I thoroughly recommend them. They're a great way to say things that you may be cannot say in the main text, as a tool to change up the style of your novel (I made my horror-movie style to contrast the airy-fairyness of my main character) or to use as a metaphor for something that you may be writing in between the lines, like a clue for the reader.
In academy-award winner style I want to thank everyone who left me supportive messages through this month, it really means a lot. And to Lady Gaga, who has been on repeat, approximately 100 of these:
and one attention-deprived pup:
I'm off to watch a week's worth of telly and stroke the dog until I possibly fall asleep, so that I have to watch them all again tomorrow - but who cares, I now have some time to do it :) Love to all xxxx
Your Average Per Day - 1,623
Words Written Today - 3,951
Target Word Count - 50,000
Total Words Written - 47,083
Words Remaining - 2,917
I've had a banging headache for two days and taken everything from ibuprofen and co-codamol to my migraine medication and the bugger is still there (grrr!) so I honestly didn't know if I'd hit the 2,917 to finish today. But I'm beginning to see my perpetual headaches and migraines as an irritating boyfriend, one who tries to prevent me from doing exactly what I want - so that there's no doubt that I'm going to overcome the wretched things with a 'no way, hosay!' attitude.
So I won! Yay! Although the novel isn't finished I made it over the line this month with 50,110 words. BTW those of you who read the excerpt I previously posted of my novel, that was a dream my main character was having. I put one in after I watched one of the Nanowrimo videos, where a girl puts them in whenever she gets stuck, and I thoroughly recommend them. They're a great way to say things that you may be cannot say in the main text, as a tool to change up the style of your novel (I made my horror-movie style to contrast the airy-fairyness of my main character) or to use as a metaphor for something that you may be writing in between the lines, like a clue for the reader.
and one attention-deprived pup:
I'm off to watch a week's worth of telly and stroke the dog until I possibly fall asleep, so that I have to watch them all again tomorrow - but who cares, I now have some time to do it :) Love to all xxxx
AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 30
Today for AEDM is a mica-full art journal page:
It's with the textured background I did a few days ago, I can capture the texture:But not all the mica goodness unfortunately, not with our November gloominess. However I've only a couple more pages of this particular journal to go then I can video a journal flip, where I'll move it around to my hearts content to show all the shimmer & shine.
As for Nanowrimo, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek only one day left! I will do a post at the end of the day when I know if I've hit the 50k or not (so I'm keeping yesterday's word count a secret till then - when I was at 6,868 words to go),
but for now I've
A) Completed art every day month, Whoop! Some days with lots of art, other days with only 5 mins of art but nevertheless with art every day, WAHOO!B) I've done a blog post EVERY DAY - me!!!!! I've more than doubled the amount of all the other blogs posts I have ever done in ONE month! Proud? Not much :) :) :) :) :) :) eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh that makes me happy :) :) :) :) :)
Congratulations to all who've done any kinds of challenges this month- we RULE :) xxxxxx
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 29
Today's creation for AEDM is:
A very, very quick sketch in my horrid journal with alcohol pens with paintbrush-like tips. I'm feeling pretty bad about calling it the horrid journal after the contrary comments I received yesterday. Would it get me off if I told you it's a term of endearment? Against the odds of her creator not liking her she's prevailed and is still getting finished??? No?? Well it's stuck now so that's her name lol
I did this quick sketch with the same pens after I posted yesterday, but these ones had the tips broken. As I said the tips are paintbrush like so if you press too hard they split like a brush will, but not retain the shape after.
This one took about 3 mins, but I have to say I love the lines the broken pen causes - going from fat to thin in the same stroke. I know they're not great but these are probably all I'll have to show you for today as most important to me right now is WRITING.
Day 28's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 4,411, which totals 43,132 (YAY! WHOOP! HORRAY! HURRAH!), meaning I have 6,868 words to complete over the next two days to win my first Nanowrimo (thats 3434 words a day - reckon I can do it? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!)
I'm sorry to my blog friends who I didn't get around to visiting yesterday, I've a feeling today and tomorrow will pretty much be the same. Completing my novel this month is very important to me so I hope you understand and I promise to visit & catch up on all your blogs after tomorrow - none of you've got rid of me just yet!!
Thanks for visiting, day 29 already can you believe it? Keep your fingers crossed for me :) x
A very, very quick sketch in my horrid journal with alcohol pens with paintbrush-like tips. I'm feeling pretty bad about calling it the horrid journal after the contrary comments I received yesterday. Would it get me off if I told you it's a term of endearment? Against the odds of her creator not liking her she's prevailed and is still getting finished??? No?? Well it's stuck now so that's her name lol
I did this quick sketch with the same pens after I posted yesterday, but these ones had the tips broken. As I said the tips are paintbrush like so if you press too hard they split like a brush will, but not retain the shape after.
This one took about 3 mins, but I have to say I love the lines the broken pen causes - going from fat to thin in the same stroke. I know they're not great but these are probably all I'll have to show you for today as most important to me right now is WRITING.
Day 28's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 4,411, which totals 43,132 (YAY! WHOOP! HORRAY! HURRAH!), meaning I have 6,868 words to complete over the next two days to win my first Nanowrimo (thats 3434 words a day - reckon I can do it? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!)
I'm sorry to my blog friends who I didn't get around to visiting yesterday, I've a feeling today and tomorrow will pretty much be the same. Completing my novel this month is very important to me so I hope you understand and I promise to visit & catch up on all your blogs after tomorrow - none of you've got rid of me just yet!!
Thanks for visiting, day 29 already can you believe it? Keep your fingers crossed for me :) x
Monday, 28 November 2011
AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 28
Today for AEDM is:
Another page in my horrid journal, I'm determined to get this journal finished before the end of the year lol
Another page in my horrid journal, I'm determined to get this journal finished before the end of the year lol
Can you believe it's day 28? I'm getting a little sad that AEDM is coming to an end :( sniff sniff, but I've met so many great creative people who have become new blogging friends :)
Day 27's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 1,706 - I was all bleh yesterday so I guess it's quite a good result really. So I'm now totalling: 38,721, with 11,279 words remaining and 3 days to do it in, I'm off to work....
Day 27's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 1,706 - I was all bleh yesterday so I guess it's quite a good result really. So I'm now totalling: 38,721, with 11,279 words remaining and 3 days to do it in, I'm off to work....
Sunday, 27 November 2011
AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 27
Today's creation for AEDM is, bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!
It was for my 6x6 journal so I gave in and went to my Big Mama journal to do a page but so far the background is, yeah bleh!
So then I went to my horrid journal as I don't mind making bleh pages in them, because that's how I feel they all are:
To be honest I'm feeling pretty bleh in everything the last two days, including my writing. But as I've only got a couple of days left to hit the 50k I'm off to slog, grinch and groan at my screen :(
Day 26's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 1,597. Totalling: 37,015
So I painted over it (you can just see the face poking through), no idea what I'm going to do with it now.
It was for my 6x6 journal so I gave in and went to my Big Mama journal to do a page but so far the background is, yeah bleh!
So then I went to my horrid journal as I don't mind making bleh pages in them, because that's how I feel they all are:
Day 26's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 1,597. Totalling: 37,015
art journals,
artist worries,
journal page,
Saturday, 26 November 2011
AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 26
Today for AEDM is the first project for the paper beads:
It's a mini scrapbook I altered/decorated years ago with the intention making it into an art journal, I thought the beads gave it a bit of colour. I thought it was about time I started using it as a journal so grabbed some cheap old 6x6 paper and got painting this:
My Grandmother loves angels so I'm going to collage her one for Christmas, this is really a just practice at how I want the wings. I did originally want to sew her a soft angel art doll but with everything I'm doing I doubt I'll have time to spend a couple of days at the sewing machine (I'm not the best machinist so it takes me twice as long to get something done).
Day 25's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 1,083, only managed a thousand :( and these were an absolute struggle, though I've no idea why - I know exactly where the story is going, what I want to write next but just couldn't get it to come easy. Hoping today it will :) Totalling: 35418.
Oh and Lovely Gwen asked yesterday if I would be posting my novel here, erm no, I wouldn't dream of putting you through that - although I have put an excerpt of it up on my NaNoWriMo novel page. Click here if you want to read it. Although don't come crying to me if you do, 'cause I didn't make you lol
altered books,
art journals,
journal page,
Friday, 25 November 2011
AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 25
Today's AEDM is a quick art journal page:
This page was purely about getting messy. I used every wet media & scrap in arms reach, not caring about the outcome, I just needed to get some feeling out.
Linking this today with Paint Party Friday.
My glaze finally came so I have been sealing all those paper beads I made earlier in the month:
My glaze finally came so I have been sealing all those paper beads I made earlier in the month:
Adding glitter and other things like silver flakes, which you can see on the loose beads above, here's a close up:
Day 24's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 4,150
My Nano stat's were telling me yesterday:
Your Average Per Day: 1,430
Words Written Today: 4,150
Target Word Count: 50,000
Target Average Words Per Day: 1,667
Total Words Written: 34,335
Words Remaining: 15,665
Current Day: 24
Days Remaining: 7
At This Rate You Will Finish On: December 4, 2011
Words Per Day To Finish On Time: 2,238
2 days ago it was telling me I was under a thousand words a day & would finish Dec 17th or have to write three and a half thousand a day or something to finish on time. So I'm actually pretty chuffed how it's turned around. I can do this, easy!
art journals,
journal page,
making supplies,
Thursday, 24 November 2011
AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 24
Today for AEDM is the final layer of the canvas:
I added an enamel pendant from my uni days on her dress
Some chipboard, gem trees and stamping.
Day 23's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 5,080, was in the zone yesterday, so hoping it happens again today. Totalling: 30,185
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 23
Today for AEDM is the third layer of the canvas:
I had wanted to get it completed today but I haven't got too much time. I have managed to paint the additional items that I'm going to add to give it some dimensional.
I had wanted to get it completed today but I haven't got too much time. I have managed to paint the additional items that I'm going to add to give it some dimensional.
So I just added pencil detail
and more of the Gem Gels in drops:
Day 22's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: zero. I had to play nurse nightingale yesterday as my grandmother is back in hospital, but I have to say a big thank you to my mum, who had been brilliant this past week that she's been in (hoping that she reads this) I love you :) xxx
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 22
Today's creation for AEDM is second layer on yesterday's canvas (first layer here):
Acrylic paint, jelly-type glaze and hand cut glitter hearts. The jelly-type glaze is like a coloured glossy accents, except really vibrant. I tried getting a good picture of this for you but nowhere is the light good enough to capture it:
Even the uber sparkly hearts are dull in these pics. The jelly stuff is called Gem Gels - does anybody else have them? I brought them last week along with a few other goodies and this is the first time I've used them. Will be interesting to see what else they can be used for. They're not only the drips but also in swirls on her dress, purple laced with blue but again don't look particularly great in the pics.
Hopefully tomorrow I can the final layer done, though I don't have very much time at mo so bless her she's been pretty rushed. I usually don't allow myself to paint on canvas unless I have something 'proper' in mind, as not only are they cumbersome in comparison to one journal that'll hold tons of playful pictures, but they feel like they should be a deliberated creation. But for some reason I didn't care about time restrictions or lack of 'proper' direction with this one, and just did it because I liked the shape of the canvas, and I'm really glad I did. She won't be a great piece because of it but she's made the little time I've had to play these couple of days really enjoyable.
Day 21's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 2,727
Totalling: 25,105 - Over the 25k mark yay! Half way there with only one quarter of the month left to go, yet somehow I don't care, I made it past 25k!
Acrylic paint, jelly-type glaze and hand cut glitter hearts. The jelly-type glaze is like a coloured glossy accents, except really vibrant. I tried getting a good picture of this for you but nowhere is the light good enough to capture it:
Even the uber sparkly hearts are dull in these pics. The jelly stuff is called Gem Gels - does anybody else have them? I brought them last week along with a few other goodies and this is the first time I've used them. Will be interesting to see what else they can be used for. They're not only the drips but also in swirls on her dress, purple laced with blue but again don't look particularly great in the pics.
Hopefully tomorrow I can the final layer done, though I don't have very much time at mo so bless her she's been pretty rushed. I usually don't allow myself to paint on canvas unless I have something 'proper' in mind, as not only are they cumbersome in comparison to one journal that'll hold tons of playful pictures, but they feel like they should be a deliberated creation. But for some reason I didn't care about time restrictions or lack of 'proper' direction with this one, and just did it because I liked the shape of the canvas, and I'm really glad I did. She won't be a great piece because of it but she's made the little time I've had to play these couple of days really enjoyable.
Day 21's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 2,727
Totalling: 25,105 - Over the 25k mark yay! Half way there with only one quarter of the month left to go, yet somehow I don't care, I made it past 25k!
Monday, 21 November 2011
AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 21
Today's creation for AEDM is this canvas:
Antique music sheet and lots of scraps. Obviously still a long way to go but think this is all the time I'll have for today, hopefully tomorrow I will have enough time to make progress.
Day 20's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 4,128, finally, a word count and bum (yesterday's post explains) I can be proud of lol
Totalling: 22,378
Antique music sheet and lots of scraps. Obviously still a long way to go but think this is all the time I'll have for today, hopefully tomorrow I will have enough time to make progress.
Day 20's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: 4,128, finally, a word count and bum (yesterday's post explains) I can be proud of lol
Totalling: 22,378
Sunday, 20 November 2011
AEDM & NaNoWriMo Day 20
Today's creation for AEDM is:
Yet another quick page in my horrid journal, this time to test out some new metallic powders, which when wet medium is added over the top of become matt and dull - oh well, lesson learnt.
Also been making some mini journals to top up those I give away free in my Etsy shop.
And trying to finish one I used myself as a travel journal for my summer break to Shakespeare's land:
Day 19's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: again not worth mentioning, but today is day 20 - I have 10 days left, 10 days! So I think (or rather I hope) that it has given me a good kick up the backside to get somewhere today. I actually have a good story, good plot (knew where it was going on day 1), characters are well rounded and funny, what I don't have is a writer with the ability to keep her bum parked on the seat. Pretty fundamental to the task really, but there we go! Happy day 20 to all those doing any challenges this month - big pat on back that we made it this far, yay :)
Yet another quick page in my horrid journal, this time to test out some new metallic powders, which when wet medium is added over the top of become matt and dull - oh well, lesson learnt.
Also been making some mini journals to top up those I give away free in my Etsy shop.
And trying to finish one I used myself as a travel journal for my summer break to Shakespeare's land:
Day 19's final word count for NaNoWriMo was: again not worth mentioning, but today is day 20 - I have 10 days left, 10 days! So I think (or rather I hope) that it has given me a good kick up the backside to get somewhere today. I actually have a good story, good plot (knew where it was going on day 1), characters are well rounded and funny, what I don't have is a writer with the ability to keep her bum parked on the seat. Pretty fundamental to the task really, but there we go! Happy day 20 to all those doing any challenges this month - big pat on back that we made it this far, yay :)
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