Saturday, 29 October 2011

Wall Journal Video Tutorial

Hi guys, so here is the video as to how I made this wall journal as promised in my last post, hope you enjoy :)

Linking to Artists in Blogland, hugs Jennibellie x


  1. Love it!! Thanx for the video and for sharing your ideas! ^0^

  2. The video is fantastic and I loved seeing how it came together... you are a great teacher and am motivated to start saving some things to start my own version... thanks for putting this up for us to share xx

  3. Nice entry, you have a intersante space
    if you like the lyrics full of tenderness, poetry,
    I invite you to my spaces,
    happy weekend.
    a hug.

  4. Thanks Jennibellie! As always, I love what you create and it's awesome to learn how!

  5. great video... and i'm loving browsing around your blog and being inspired by your previous posts as well! thanks!

  6. Intersting illustration video... liked it :-)

  7. This is great, looking forward to seeing the video, A very inspiring young lady!

  8. I love this idea! There are so many things to do, right?? I love using the tops of shoe boxes as canvases...but, I love how you use the inside & connect them. Thanks for the inspiration. :)Oh, AND I always love watching your videos!


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