Friday 28 November 2014

My Daily Journaling Practice...n Stuff

Hi guys
How's everyone enjoying Black Friday? The mania has hit the UK this year too, I think thanks to Amazon - when they rolled out their daily deals what other store then stood a chance without a reduction bonanzoo? So this year they've learnt and everywhere is crazipops. Here's my Black Friday purchases:

New microphone for all art-related vids and webcam for improving the quality of my Monthly Challenge video offerings =) 

I'm not gadgety but aren't they just the little cutest things? Speaking of cute, this was my boy as I was opening the boxes:

oooooooh so cute and smushable (which he did get, several in fact)

What did you get?? Anything juicy n arty??
I've not done much arting this week, as after our 7 day challenge I needed a bit of a breather - here is the first of the 7 Day Videos if you haven't seen them and want to take up the challenge:

But what I have been doing is keeping up with my daily journaling practice, which includes arting:
what my practice looks like

(I shared it briefly on the 'Day 8' Video I posted privately on the Page on Journal Workshops for the Bonus Challenge, so you can check it out here if you'd like: 
I know, Day 8 for a 7 Day Challenge ??? but hey I'm loony it's allowed!)

specially made daily journaling set up

I'm really proud of myself for sticking to this, regardless of what else is going on I have done it, everyday, for quite a while now.
*Pat on the back to meeeeeee*

So I guess that's all for now, this weekend I shall be filming the new Monthly Challenge video ready for the 1st, with my new gadgety get up (wish me luck getting it all connected n working lol!) 
Happy weekend,  much love


  1. Way to go on your new Black Friday purchase ... I think I'm the only one in the free world that hasn't ever done the Black Friday thing. lol

    Have a good weekend!

  2. We don't have 'Black Friday' (yet!) in the Netherlands... I think if there was, I'd avoid it... but you purchased a wonderful mike! Petting you on the back too for daily journaling, you go girl!!!

  3. Hi Jenny, just wanted to pop by and wish you well as I have noticed that you haven't been around in blog land for a little while. x


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