This page should technically be called studios, as I have two, one inside and one outside.
I suppose the indoor one is the 'Practical' Space, it contains 97% of my supplies and is more about use than beauty. The other is the 'Tranquil' Space, containing comfort and eye candy all around and with 1000s of books. I use and love both spaces to pieces.
Studio 1 – ‘The Snug’
You may imagine why it is called this when you see it - this is my inside studio.
You may imagine why it is called this when you see it - this is my inside studio.
Here is a video tour:
Before I did this video tour I did a quick video showing how I spruced it up quickly and cheaply, here is that video if you are curious:
Since the above videos I've also created a cool acrylic wall that you can see in the photos above which I get asked about a lot so here is a vlog video on that if you want to see:
Studio 2
The Outdoor Studio
Here is a video tour:
and just in case you want to see it here is my old outdoor space than was just an altered potting shed, complete with cracked windows and cobwebs.
And finally here's the old studio video tour:
Thanks for taking a little peek around my little creative corners, one day I may have a beautiful magnificently large studio space, complete with balcony to show you (I can but dream ;) ) till then I hope I may have given you some ideas if you are tight on space too
Much love
Want to see what my online studio looks like?? Imagine no more, go take a look around Journal Workshops - my online art community where 1000s of wonderful creative people gather and play:
to take my free class and join free art groups!!