Hi guys
so if you're a regular visitor to my blog you may have seen my September posting has been a bit...sporadic. Last week's Ramble mentioned being MIA from art, and life, and that was true on soooo many levels. But I'm feeling more positive and focused and happy now as I look ahead to October, and hopefully this blog, Journal Workshops, my videos etc etc will reflect that too. It's time to make time for art again...well really I've already started with daily art projects, even if all I can manage is a 10 minute background here and there.
But what I'm feeling is that excitement to get my hands dirty all the time again, which is a feeling I have missed & I'm so happy it's back, it's the partner to truely fabulously happy artful adventures and discoveries, and to wonderful pieces of art to which you feel a real connection...at least that's how it works for me.
So what have I been up to this week with my new found creative surge, well of course the Wall Project as mentioned in the last Ramble, here's some progress:
The finished mermaid...
nicknamed 'Shelly'...three guesses why lol |
And if you follow my facebook page you may have seen this pic of the Postcard Wall in progess:
Well here it is complete:
I've still more to do on this project but will knock a vlog together to share here once works done so you can see all the glorious results, pictures don't really show them properly I think - probably because they are *huge*
And as for what else I've got coming, tonight I'm gonna pick the Monthly Challenge we will be doing in the Journal Workshops Group for October so I can make a video for that this weekend yaaaay =) so don't forget to head over there come the first. Also as I haven't 'done' much (online art world speaking) this month for my Monthly Newsletter I will be revealing a never before seen video ooooooooh....which makes a video sound far more exciting than it warrants I think haha but it will be exclusive for my newsletter subscribers on the 30th. Then September is done and then onto happy October & lotsa lotsa projects which I am really excited about, as I think I've mentioned ;)
So if you are subscribed to the Monthly Challenge Group or My Newsletter I'll be seeing you in video form before next week, otherwise I'll just be seeing you =)
Have a Happy Weekend