Hello lovelies, TAT-time, TAT-time, TAT-time!
YAY! I'm so up for TAT-time this week, I need a boost to send my butt back into art so here's to the start of a more art-filled week, yes? Yes! chin-chin!!
Tell us a little bit about yourself & what kind of artist you are.
Hello, my name is Alicia and I live in Brooklyn NY, USA. I have been an artist ever since I was a tiny little rugrat. If I found a blank piece of paper, I was going to doodle on it (whether I was supposed to or not, LOL). Although I do not create for a living (that would have been wonderful), I do create something every single day. Art has been a huge part of my life and it has been even more so for the past 5 months. Around June of this year, I had discovered art journaling which had opened up a whole new world of art that I had never been exposed to before. I think that is when I really began to branch out as an artist. I like to joke that I'm a "Born Again Artist." As of now, I would consider myself a whimsical mixed media artist. I love to play with different techniques, textures, and mediums, and combine them all into one project. I also love creating little craft projects. I am constantly learning and trying something new.

What is the biggest challenge you personally face as an artist and how do you overcome it?
The biggest challenge I face as an artist is trusting myself. When I am staring at a blank white surface, sometimes I have to remind myself that I CAN turn it into something beautiful and that all I have to do is just START. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and can't seem to figure out where to begin. To overcome this, sometimes I just close my eyes, pick a color, slap it on, then go from there. It's something about that white space that stalls me, but as soon as I put a color down, the intimidation just melts away.
What do you most wish your art to achieve?
In social settings, initially, I tend to be a bit quiet and reserved if I do not know anyone in the room. I have noticed that this doesn't really give people the opportunity to see the silly, bubbly, friendly girl hiding inside. I want my art to show what I am afraid to express to people that do not know me. Through my art, I can show little snippets of ME. That's one of the amazing things about art. One does not have to speak with words in a painting. It is communication with a universal language.

Do you think you have achieved a uniquely recognisable style as an artist, or do you find it a struggle to find your own style?
Since my discovery of art journaling, I can say that I am slowly developing a style of my own. For instance, I have noticed that whenever I draw or paint a girl, I tend to go with an unconventional skin tone (pink, blue, green, purple). However, I wouldn't say that I have FULLY developed a unique style of my own just yet. I still have a ways to go and plenty to learn (Which really excites me!).

Tell us where can we find out more about you & your art?You can find me at
my blog at where you'll find links to my youtube channel and Etsy shop. If you visit my blog you are more than welcome to subscribe to get updates. You may also subscribe to my youtube channel if you'd like :) I just want to give thanks to Jennibellie for everything you have shared. You have been a huge inspiration and I have learned a great deal from you. And thank you so much for the opportunity to introduce myself and share what I have learned.
Thank you so much Alicia & you are welcome ;) OMG I love your painted shell! It reminds me of a painted rocks, which have been on my mind for a lil while now and may be are going to be the way into my artful week hmmm yes, I think they just may. Oh and don't worry:
we're all 'Born Again Artists' here
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