Thursday 20 September 2012

Loves Layers ~ A Page Process Video

Hello online lovelies, just a quick post to show you a page:
and video process of the page:
Which is quite timely as on my last post where I showed you these few journal pages, Barb asked to see a page in progress, so here it is =) if you want to see more Barb I've 11 or 12 other process videos in the playlist Art Journal Page Creations on my youtube channel. Thanks for stopping by, see you soon (hopefully v.soon as I'm off to do some recycling ;) ) Jennibellie xx


  1. I love Jennibellie videos! :) Thank's so fun to watch the process!!

  2. I love all your work, Jennibelle.

  3. It seems to come so natural for you! You are sooo talented! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Jennibellie,
    Now that was a "WOW" video. You just seem to bring everything together with such ease. I have watched many videos but, not one like this.
    Everyone seems to want to "over think" their process. You use layers but, you use so many other pieces that you yourself create. I think that is what makes your work so different.
    Thanks so much for showing me this process.
    I am now heading back to your YouTube page to spend a few hours. Oh, telling us exactly what you are using is a big plus.
    Thanks so much,

  5. Love this... full of "'chucky" yumminess!! :]
    Thank you for the video too, you are super. ~xx

  6. Great video.... espceially loved seeing how you incorporated the magazine image into the page.... something I've been struggling with. Off to give your idea a go.....

  7. I'm always inspired by your work! Thank you for sharing!

  8. I love all that you do, and what you share with us,,
    Can you make a video on different closeure on books..
    Button and hair band, string wrap around book, rubber band around book, and any other closeures,
    Betty in TEXAS

  9. It's fun to see all the different materials you use to create your pages. Thanks for the video!

  10. I loved this video sweet Jennibellie. When you stamped on the boom box...I thought...YIKES! But after you added the white shading, I loved even that part of the page. I'm happy to see your mojo back and kickin!
