Friday, 10 April 2015

How to Receive a Creative Cosmic Download


Okay so this week......ooooooh this week! 
I cannot really describe what has happened any better than in the vlog I just created below, but...

I am in awe.

I am in receptivity.

I am in appreciation.

I am in creative alignment.

I am in euphoric ecstatics!

So my vlog once again lives up to the term 'Weekly Ramble' that I have created here on fridays, bear this in mind - it's an off the cuff, unplanned {downloaded} chat. It is about things I am SUPER excited about which makes me more incoherent at times I expect...though I'm not sure, as I'm the one in my head it all makes perfect sense to me. Hope it does to you too, here it is:

{ The mentioned Birthday Bash can still be assessed here (but the energy won't be happening any more obviously as the event is over but there are still HUNDREDS of comments and shares and pictures in that group that still hold it's vibrancy). And the 'How to Create Big Projects' Video for those that may have missed it can be viewed here. }

Day of the Birthday Bash Art Party - Sweepiebum getting in on the action (or perhaps just noticing something else had mama's attention for the WHOLE very dare it!)

And so to wrap up (in case you missed it in the vlog) how do you receive a creative cosmic download on an super crazy EPIC scale? Simple answer is you let go of the reins and let your intuition bring it to you (which is what the new class will be ALL about). 

Stay tuned to Journal Workshops for the new Art Swap Group and Journaling Class that'll be coming out soon, eeeeek I'm so excited (and still shocked I'm even mentioning this before I have even one duck in a row, creative cosmic download what are you doing to me??? Eeeek - I've so many 'eeek's in me I'm bouncing off the walls!). 

Much love, Have a fabulously creative weekend =)


  1. What a precious ramble! Jenny is not paddling upstream, she is not against the rocks. She is in this RED HOT MOMENT ALLOWING!
    Your divine essence is showing in your smile!
    Cannot wait to see what you have in store for us at Journal Workshops!

  2. I am absolutely blown away! I am intrigued! I am smiling too! Sweet Jenni, have you been given a gift or what! Oh goodness, I am so thrilled for you. To have this incredible experience. And to be able to share it with us? Well, that is just, yes, DIVINE.

  3. I'm seeing the message "because of the privacy settings you cannot view this video"

  4. Your happy makes me happy Jenny! I am excited to find out what your new class is going to be. Your enthusiasm is so infectious! x

  5. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Picture Kermit the frog flailing arms here.
    I'm excited with you. A process for finding or pursuing my intuition? I'm sooooooooo there with you. CanNOT wait.

  6. I'm also getting the "cannot view this video due to privacy settings"... :-((

  7. This is awesome and can hardly wait to see what this class is all about. How wonderful! I have had moments like this in my life and they are glorious. :)

  8. Hi to any having difficulty viewing the video I think I have figured out why you will need to view it from the 'jennibelliestudio' web address as that is the space where it is embedded. If you are looking at it from another web address (ie a blog reader such as Bloglovin) please click into the actual blogspot link to watch it, many thanks x

  9. i LOVE everything about this ramble Jenny! you are glowing-and the energy/enthusiasm comes right thru the screen-I"M smiling now too :)) looking forward to hearing more. very exciting. much love and hugs, jenny <3 xxxooo

  10. I think you are having an experience of The Holy Spirit. I hope so. That is the only time I have felt, the way you sound and look. So happy for you. I look forward to the class!!

  11. I'm trying to see it from
    still not working. :-(

    1. Hi Helen, hmm no idea why,I did receive a message last night from someone telling me they could only see them if they put them straight to full screen :/ ? who know, mysteries of the universe, anyhow here is direct link just for you =)

  12. Thank you so much - can't wait to see what you're up to next!
