Friday, 6 February 2015

...on Altered Books

So my ramble this week is on, altered books...because that is what I've been up to and where my head is currently at.

Saying I have thousands of suitable vintage and antique books to alter is probably no exaggeration & it's always something that appeals to me, however when I come to create I'm usually drawn to a journal I have handmade. Not so much at the moment though, at the moment I am just thinking books, books, books.

It's not like I need to start a new journal, I have plenty going but the muse is calling and she usually gets her way (plus I do have a fairly good idea of a particular use I have for the journals I'm making so she has swayed my logic brain somewhat to her thinking too - which makes a change). 

Here is a lil video showing how I am prepping two altered books for my next art journals:

...and I did make something in it, 
I started this lil page...
using the same techniques shared in my recent pastels and charcoal video tutorial herebut this time I favoured the charcoals.

That's it for today my sweets, I am super busy making my 21 Secrets Lesson *awesome*, I have to keep this ramble short and sweet. If you wanna come join in the 21 Secrets LOVE click the link to take a goosey gander at what's on offer:

Much love


  1. for some reason the video won't play. It says it's private.

    1. Hi Kimberly, please try again (you may need to refresh to clear cache) as I have altered the settings and its had over 150 views so I know it's working for sure now =)

    2. Nope, still not working.

    3. I've updated the settings again, if it doesn't work now it never will no idea why some can see it and others cant, here's a review link of it directly:

  2. Looks like you where having fun and the page you showed that you ended up doing in it is lovely..

  3. Love your book ... I'm obsessed with altered books myself at the moment ... Thanks for the inspiration !

  4. FYI: I couldn't see the video, either. Says "Sorry. Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here." I refreshed. I even restarted my computer.

    1. hi rita, sorry I've no idea why some can see it and others cant, here's a review link of it directly:

  5. I was just able to watch the video ... copied and pasted your link and it worked fine for me. Love the book and love your page you did too!

  6. That looks like a good idea, it shard for me to make myself do anything to a book, its been so drilled into me that books are not to be written in, torn, dog eared or anything like that.

  7. Hi Jennibellie, I am having such a hard time using old books to alter, I think it harks back to being told off by a librarian for folding back a page on a book I was reading. ( I was about 6)

    1. It is difficult to do it. I went to Half Price Books and bought a book for a dollar and while I am using it as an art journal, sometimes my book-training says...omg what ARE you doing? lol But it gets better, and much easier when I know I only paid a buck for it.
