Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Tell All Tuesday ~ Featured Artist: June Walker

Hello beautifuls, I can't believe TAT has come around so quickly again, even though it seems to be all I am doing on here, but that is because I have been so busy on Journal Workshops. On which I have just opened up a new Monthly Art Journal Challenge Group which is turning out to be super fun, so if you want some more inspiration after reading this head over there =) for now though we have a lovely interview and art my artist June Walker, enjoy =)

Tell us a little bit about yourself & what kind of artist you are.
My name is June Walker and I am interested in colour, animals and people.

What is the biggest challenge you personally face as an artist and how do you overcome it?
My biggest challenge initially was to figure out how to awaken my imagination. I wanted to paint imaginary scenes probably because I liked the work of artists like Chagall and William Blake and I wanted to find out if I had an artistic imagination of my own and what it might contain. I attempted to expand my imagination by trying out some surrealist methods, such as automatic drawing or scribbling, looking for images in random colour shapes, and non-dominant hand drawing. These methods worked pretty well for me as I feel my imagination is freeing up and I am beginning to draw more interesting and personal imagery.

Do you think you have achieved a uniquely recognisable style as an artist, or do you find it a struggle to find your own style?
I feel I have developed a personal style which is recognizable. I use a colourful palette composed of primaries and secondaries, and I mainly use acrylics. My imagery is fairly idiosyncratic and my style is expressive with short or dumpy human figures and imaginatively coloured animals. I hope my imagery is positive focusing on the interactions between people and some of their favourite things like toys, animals and other people.

What do you most wish your art to achieve?
At the moment, my style is pretty much linked to drawing. I would love to develop a more painterly style where the imagery is realised or found directly in paint instead of coloured after preliminary drawing. I’d also like to paint bigger canvases. I haven’t really launched into this painterly style because I feel rather tied to my original drawing style. I am not sure if this painterly method will suit me but I hope to take the plunge…soon!

Tell us where can we find out more about you & your art?
My Website. My Blog. My Facebook & My Fine Art America Profile.

Thank you for sharing June, I really enjoyed seeing your artwork and I'm sure you'll develop wonderfully in any method you desire. In your 'imagination' answer, you have hit upon something I have been thinking too lately and a challenge I think I want to start doing for myself more - creating completely original paintings in/from my mind, as I so rarely create 'a painting' aka not an art journal page or some instinctive art it is a skill I think I should work on. Thanks so much for a fab interview =)

Do you want to be TATed??
To be featured email me or find all the details here =)


  1. I love her style. It is really quirky and different

  2. Love the use of the bright colours

  3. I enjoyed June's mention of trying out different methods, techniques, and styles. This is one way we can learn from other artists. Doing our favorite things repeatedly can be comfortable and safe, but it can also be repetitive or even dull at times. I love to try new ideas... you never know where they may take you. After reading your interview, I would like to try a painting completely from my imagination, too. Thank you!

  4. Nice to meet you June. I love your fearless use of colors and your originality. Great feature!
