Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Tell All Tuesday ~ Featured Artist: Rebecca Taylor

Hello beautifuls, today's post is the first TAT of 2014! I am so looking forward to picking this up again and meeting some new artists to be featured in this coming year. Do not forget I am looking for new participants and do not be afraid to put yourself forward; even if you are newly setting out on your art journey's path, you and your work still have something to inspire and share. This is why I do and enjoy doing this series after what is now over 18 months (wow!) we all have individual qualities, and can so easily encourage those in others simply through expressing ourselves!! 
Having said so, please grab an art break & enjoy this weeks interview =D

Tell us a little bit about yourself & what kind of artist you are.
I am a two dimensional colorist that resides in the suburbs of Richmond, VA. I am a homeschooling mom, teach part time with the Department of Parks and Recreation, and I teach my own private art classes in my home, other people's homes, and sometimes at a local homeschooling center. 

What is the biggest challenge you personally face as an artist and how do you overcome it?
The biggest challenge i face is having time to put towards the creative process. With so many demands on homeschooling and working, family/domestic life it's difficult. Before family life I used to put the coffee pot and the tunes on at 7pm and paint until 4am. Family life nowadays is not conducive to those long, late-night stretches. I find that I have to wait till everyone goes to bed for the night, then I may be lucky to get a couple of hours. Also, my attention span is much smaller these days, so eight broken up hours may be the best I can give to my pieces.

What do you find easiest / hardest in your art?
I find most everything easy about my art because I have learned to let go and have fun. What's difficult, though, is staying in practice when I want to produce something realistically; for example using techniques such as perspective and figure drawing. But recently I have refused a lot of those art techniques. For instance I have been drawing architecture freehand- wiggly lines and all. I love the effect on the buildings because they take on a magical storybook quality.

What advice would you offer to any perspective new artist?
Becoming a good artist is a developmental process. Adults especially need to understand that if they haven't drawn something since seventh grade then they have to go back to that stopping point and pick it back up. People who know how to draw realistically have been trained to do it, usually for years, and practiced, practiced, practiced. 

Tell us where can we find out more about you & your art?
You can see my art on my blog and Pinterest. I also just gave birth to a new Facebook fan page.

Thank you so much for taking some of your hard to come-by time to share with us Rebecca. I was ready to say 'AMEN' when I read you have recently 'refused a lot of those art techniques', of course I do not believe any technique should be tossed out but nor do I see why there is so much emphasis on some techniques being more important in creating 'good' art than others, so I was very glad to see your wiggly freehand lines =) 

If you would like to share your story email me 
or click the link to find all the details here =)

Much love & Happy Arting


  1. I like your artwork & know what you mean finding time to create your art. I will check out your artwork. Thank you so much for sharig.

  2. Good point Jenni. I don't always have the tools with me that are conducive to using perspective and realism, sharp lines, etc. Among those tools are rulers, compasses, time, and patience! I have joined a group called Urban Sketchers where you are required to sketch on location. Just getting my daughter out the door with all her stuff, me with all my stuff, and then all my lesson planning stuff on top of it, sometimes things get left behind. Sooooo, I accept these techniques have no place in my current work. MAYBE in my more organized, lots-of free-time future I might find myself interested in using sharp lines and realism again. Maybe, we'll see....The wiggly lines, blue and green people, and disorganized perspective is just also more fun!

    You can find out more about Urban Sketchers here: http://www.urbansketchers.org/

  3. Becky taught an art class with my children and they learned SOOOO much! She really is a very talented artist! This Feature is so awesome and I'm so proud of you! Becky already knows I like her work! :D
