Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Tell All Tuesday ~ Featured Artist: Lisa Fabiano

Hi guys, it's TAW!!! Lol sorry to have to do Tell All Tuesday on Wednesday, it doesn't happen often (only once I believe, as I wrote it at midnight) but that doesn't make the interview any less interesting or inspiring. Today is a lovely abstract artist by the name of Lisa Fabiano, enjoy =)

Tell us a little bit about yourself & what kind of artist you are.
My name is Lisa Fabiano and I am 54+ years old. Although I work full-time as a paralegal during the week (I work for a divorce attorney- very stressful), I either paint, think about art, read about art, write about art, or study art online - every single day/evening. Prior to my current desk job, I was a chef in a local restaurant for about 6 years. Like many women and girls on this planet, I dealt with physical and emotional abuse growing up, and, after therapy and other healing methods, I have found great joy in expressing myself through art. I started oil painting about 17 years ago, with formal lessons through the Fine Arts Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. At first I studied traditional realistic ways of painting and drawing, but after several years turned my attention and focus to abstract work because it suits my nature much much better (although I still really enjoy figure drawing).

What is the biggest challenge you personally face as an artist and how do you overcome it?
My biggest challenge is painting even when I am tired and/or stressed from my day job, and to hold on to the belief that, as time goes by, I will be able to spend more time on art and less and less time at a stressful job. HOWEVER, there are two GREAT blessings that come from my having a secure "day job". First, for the past 2 1/2 years I have been able to afford a small studio outside of my home, so I have more space for more and larger paintings. Second, I remain free to paint whatever pleases me, rather than painting things to generate art sales for income to pay my living expenses/bills. I must remind myself daily, on the bus ride to work, how my day job supports my artistic life and this also helps me get through the workday. 

What other issues do you overcome to accomplish your art?
Another big challenge is overcoming the fear that I will never have enough time use all of my ideas and have enough time to make all of the artwork I envision, due to my age and the necessity of working a day job. But, I realize I must use the time I have available as best I can, because that is my responsibility and I cannot control the passing of time. Also, I do not drive at all and the public transportation in our small city is pathetic. Travelling around slows down my life and uses much precious time, when I could be painting. So, I must constantly remind myself that I am helping the environment by not driving, improving my health by walking or riding my bike, and doing my part to avoid supporting the oil wars in the middle east. And, my slower pace of life, even if it is outside the mainstream, is conducive to a greater awareness and slower tempo for painting. These are all real challenges for me personally, but I do understand I could be much worse off and I do not take my life's freedoms for granted. In the big picture, I am very blessed and must not waste time fretting over situations I cannot control or change. A little saying I recently came across that helps me (because I am a worrier by nature) is: "Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.". 

What is your heart’s greatest desire for your life as an artist?
To be able to devote most of my working life to painting and creating artwork. Also, that my paintings will be seen and appreciated by many people and that any paintings I have sold or may sell will be well cared for and good company to their owners. That may sound selfish, but my paintings are part of my soul and are like my children.

Tell us where can we find out more about you & your art?
Some of my recent work can be seen here and here. I do not have the time yet to maintain my own website, facebook, or blog. Painting and daily life fill all of my time. 

Thank you so much for sharing Lisa, I love the quote 'Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere' & will definitely be nicking that lol I am a natural worrier too, but am learning to not give that much power, so this quote is a perfect reminder when in need. It also reminds me of the quote about forgiveness - that holding onto grudges is like stabbing yourself and expecting the other person to bleed. Your quote and that one has somehow merged in my head to reiterate to me how much we really do too often focus on the wrong things, rather than those that will best serve us and enrich our lives. Thank you for the interview Lisa, I really appreciate hearing your story and you sharing your life with us.

Do you want to be featured in an interview here?
Email me or click the link to find all the details here =)


  1. Lovely hearing about Lisa and her art! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Loved reading about Lisa, her philisophy on living for each day, & how she works her day job to support her art. Kudos to you Lisa!
