Sunday, 1 September 2013

What I've Been Up To...and a Giveaway

So as I said in the last TAT, I feel like I've not been online much at all this past week....because well it's true lol

but I have been busy making things YAY!

So you have videos and new things coming
(I know I'm a tease ;) ) whoop!
but for now I'm just going to share that I've been making a whole bunch of new fun things for my shop WOOHOO! Not all are ready yet =( but these are: professional prints of my art journal pages.

...which I have subtly decorated my bed nook walls in ;) 
(As I don't usually spread my art about outside of my studio I felt like a teenager doing it but I thought hell, I'm not married so I'm going to embrace my bedroom decor being all my own ;) tee hee)

These are not traditional prints however because I made them into mailable postcards, they just happen to be the Giant oversized kind:

And they are also incredibly cheaper than traditional prints, £2.50 each or £10 in sets of 5 as shown below.  So you can smash 'em, frame 'em, cut 'em up for collage, use 'em for inspiration, post 'em, whatever, for a fraction of the cost of traditional prints.

Here is each of the juicy sets:
(click on for a closer look)

There is also going to be a chance to win a set on my facebook page later today ;)

If you have already brought some postcard prints, a set, or want to but are worried about entering too don't worry, do it...and I will just make sure you get some fresh designs sent out to you if you are a lucky winner =)

So be sure to check that giveaway later on
and I'm sure I'll be seeing you again real soon to reveal the next thing I've been up to ;)
Much love


  1. So beautiful but especially love the set with the butterfly in!!

  2. Can the winner choose the individual cards? I especially love all of the animal ones, of course they are all beautiful.

    1. Hi Shar, I have the postcards already sealed in their relevant sets, however if the winner(/s) buy some of those already in the giveaway set they'll get I'll change them to whichever they want instead ;) x

  3. How do you enter? I couldn't find anything to click on.

    1. Hi Vicky, I hadn't posted it at the time of this blogpost so only put in a facebook link but here is the direct post link:

  4. Oh wow Jenny!! How is it that I've never seen that butterfly before now? Absolutely gorgeous!!! I love your giant postcard prints -- what a wonderful idea, m'lady!! Love and {{{{bear hugs}}}} for you and Sweepie! :-)

  5. loving the look of all of them

  6. Those prints are absolutely gorgeous, well done!!

  7. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway, Jenny! I don't have any of your beautiful prints - hopefully I'll win; otherwise, I'll have to go to your Etsy and shop!!

    Carmen L
