Sunday 29 September 2013

Lifebook Giveaway Winner

Hi guys time to reveal the winner of the free spot on Lifebook =)

I was so amazed that so many people truly opened up in the comments to share why they wanted to be part of class, I always find it inspiring when people are honest about where there lives are at and express how art helps. And I was extra happy that everyone was doing it for this class giveaway because that is what my lesson in the class will actually be on: being truly honest with ourselves through our art =) Anyhow with so many deserving people entering (around 400 of you, wow!) how could I possibly pick one person & say it is more because they are more deserving than another? So I relied on my good old pal and fate (...aka I chicken out, but you are all so deserving fate seemed like the best course of action!)

So drum roll...the winner of the spot on the class is:

Comment number:
who is:
Margo (who's blog is Art Surrounds Us)

YAY Congratulations Margo!! I'll be emailing shortly. Sorry to those that really wanted the place and didn't get it, I hope for everyone that does want to be a part of it that life will somehow provide it =) and as a lil cheer up there is still a chance to win a prompted art journal below:

So the first winner is:

Comment no:

who is:
Kate at KMericks

the second winner is:

who is:
TheJunking DataGirl

Congratulations to you two =) and as another lil cheer up for everyone else who does heart a good giveaway, keep an eye on my youtube channel this week - I'll say no more besides 'nudge nudge, wink wink' xoxo

Much love everybody
Bye for now

Friday 27 September 2013

Making Zines Vlog

Okay so as many of you know (having brought some already from my shop, or chatted to me about them over email, or traded some with me, or just read about them previously on here etc) I am a bit of a zine-nut.

I cannot help it, that was what a journal page {below} I posted on my social media type sites was about yesterday - me trying to resist the temptation to make yet another zine that is currently residing in my head!

So I'm posting this vlog, of me in full zine-making mode, to try and envelope others into the zine fold as it is obviously an obsession of mine that will not you are likely to see more of them here anyways I thought why not.

 Here's a mini glossary of terms I use in the vlog, just to bring you up to speed:

Zine: A self publication, usually of pamphlet size
Cut n Paste: Traditional way to make a zine visually appealing, using 'cut n' paste' collage
Perzine: Abbreviation used for 'personal-zine', meaning one's own life is the main topic
Zinester: A person that reads/makes/trades/sells zines
Distro: A collective of zines; someone or place that distributes several people's zines

Okay if you would like to see my zines you can find what I currently have in this section of my shop, I am now off to go and...guess what?? lol

Much love

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Video Tour of My New Studio

So I know many of you have been waiting for this...
I still do not feel like it's 'ready' but as I am sat here now, typing this, with the beautiful smell of new wood (I hope that smell never goes) and sparrow birds fluttering outside around me I want to quickly show you where I creatively relax and recharge:


Tuesday 24 September 2013

Tell All Tuesday ~ Featured Artist: Judy Holland

Hi guys, 
we are on the final artist interview of Sept can you believe it?
Thank you to those that after the last TAT sent me get well wishes, I'm feeling much better now & have begun to feel my arty bone twitching again. So hopefully I should have a post, perhaps even a vid for you tomorrow, till then enjoy this weeks featured artist interview =)

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what kind of artist you are. 
My road into art actually started when I was a child I was always creating something artistic from plays with costumes (that I put on for my parents), to making all kinds of things for my family. My mom was always letting me get stuff to make my “projects”, as I called them. She would take me to craft fairs and art shows for me to get my art fix. But, it hasn't been until the past couple of years that I considered myself an artist. A couple of years ago my family started going through some really rough times and I started using art to dig inside myself to find expression and comfort. Then one day it just hit me, “I am an artist”. I need to do art. And I have been striving to become an artist who sells my work and teaches others. I believe art is a true expression of our inner selves. I live near the coast in North Carolina out in the country. I have four Silkie chickens named Faith, Hope, Joy and Charity and a Black Royal Palm turkey named Fred, as well as a trained rabbit named Max who roams my house. I am married to a wonderful man who supports me 100%. We have four grown children and two grandchildren. 

What is the biggest challenge you personally face as an artist and how do you overcome it?
The greatest challenge I face is myself. I have always questioned my ability and whether someone else will like my work enough to buy or want to learn from me. To overcome it I just decided one day that I just needed to move forward. What was the worst thing that could happen anyway, no one would like it or buy it, that is their choice. I just had to accept the fact that not everyone is going to like me or my stuff and have learned to be okay with that. I am a huge goal setter and love to see what I have accomplished over a given period of time. So I said to myself, self if you don’t do this you will never know if this is really the true you. So just do it. Failure is only a matter of perspective. 

What is your heart’s greatest desire for your life as an artist?
To share it with others. I would love to learn some ways to be more effective about getting it out there, as well as making up more classes to teach. Right now I primarily teach children. I have an art class going 3 days a week with around 130 children. We are making junk journals, it has been an interesting challenge, but very fun. I want to own my own business one day. I have this great idea that I am believing will come into existence one day with lot’s of perseverance and faith. I just want to keep learning and striving to be the best I can be. 

What do you most wish your art to achieve? 
Hope and healing for those who need it. I want my art to bring things to people to minds and hearts, whether that is Joy, excitement, sadness, hope, awe, fun and laughter. I want to have my art and my teaching to be a way to help others express themselves or find themselves in my stuff. 

Tell us where can we find out more about you and your art? 
I have a blog, a twitter and a pinterest account. Although I am not very savvy at any of them. I am learning!

Thank you for sharing your art and wisdom Judy. Out of your whole interview this is the line that struck me 'So I said to myself, self if you don’t do this you will never know if this is really the true you.' Partly because I found 'So I said to myself: "self "...' funny, but because it is kinda what I said to myself a couple of years ago and also because it was followed by 'Failure is only a matter of perspective.' Yes, Yes, YES!!! Thank you! I think this is what ALL of us who put ourselves/our artwork out there and share have to say to ourselves. And then get on and do it...

Want to join a TATer??
Email me or click the link to find all the details here =)

Friday 20 September 2013

Lifebook & Giveaway

So as some of you already know I will be one of the guest teachers on Lifebook next year, woohoo!! 
How lovely-jubbly!

If you don't know of Lifebook yet then to sum up it is a year-long course, taught by Tam and her guests, in which you will create a fabulous book of art by the end that honours YOU. I love the concept and am extremely honoured that I have been asked to be part of it alongside some truly fabulous teachers.

Registration doesn't begin until October 7th but I have a spot to giveaway right now - all you have to do is tell me why you would most like to join Lifebook (make sure you leave me your name & email address if you leave a comment as 'anonymous' please! - also I have approval on so only ONE comment each please everyone: if you post it  I promise I will get it ;) ) I'm also giving away two of my prompted art journals so they'll be three winners, just to make it a little more juicy! I'll be announcing the winners on the 29th Sept.

As an extra bonus all the teachers are also doing a blog-hop and giving away their own spaces, so here's all their links & hop dates below:

12th Sept 2013 - Tamara Laporte -
13th Sept 2013 - Tascha Parkinson –
14th Sept 2013 - Lesley Riley –
15th Sept 2013 - Alena Hennessy -
16th Sept2013 - Kat McBride –
17th Sept 2013 - Carla Sonheim –
18th Sept 2013 - Jane Davenport –
19th Sept 2013 - Danielle Daniel –
20th Sept 2013 - Jennibellie –
23rd Sept2013 - Kelly Hoernig –
24th Sept 2013 - Micki Wilde –
25th Sept 2013 - Kate Thompson –
26th Sept 2013 - Flora Bowley –
27th Sept2013 - Anna Dabrowska –
28th Sept 2013 - Steven Speight –
29th Sept 2013 - Mika Diaz –
30th Sept 2013 - Serena Bridgeman –
1st Oct 2013 - Dyan Reaveley –
2nd Oct 2013 - Effy Wild –
3rd Oct 2013 - Carissa Paige –
4th Oct 2013 - Marieke Blokland –
5th Oct 2013 - Christy Tomlinson –
6th Oct 2013 - Traci Bautista –

So that's it leave me a comment below for your chance to win
and make sure you come back on the 29th to see if you've won!

Much love

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Tell All Tuesday ~ Featured Artist: Marion Esposito

Hi guys happy tuesday
I'm not very well today so I'm going to keep my little intro short, so
here's this weeks Tell All Tuesday post with featured artist Marion enjoy =)

Tell us a little bit about yourself & what kind of artist you are.

Hi there. My name is Marion Esposito. I'm 46 years old, born in Hollywood California but live in Virginia now. I have a 19 year old daughter, a 27 year old son, and I became a "Nana" last year! I come from a very artistic family, but never thought the talent got passed down to me. My German grandpa sketched a picture of my grandma so beautifully that you couldn't tell the drawing from the photograph. I always wished that I had his drawing ability, but I am learning that artistic skills can be improved with practice, patience and time.

I used to call myself a Mixed Media artist until recently. I have a love-hate relationship with mixed media art. I absolutely love how it looks when other people do it, but I hate how it looks when I attempt to achieve similar results on my canvas. I have a hard time just "letting go" because I am the type of person that has to have things organized in my life, and Mixed Media is a very free, sometimes messy style of art. I love to "mix-up" the type of art I enjoy doing. For example, I may be in the mood to create and paint one of my children's benches, the next day I'll decoupage a vintage suitcase or work in my art journals, and the next day I'm making one of my chalkboards. It all depends on how I feel that day and what inspires me.

On September 20, 2008 my husband was injured in a terrorist bombing attack in Pakistan, so many things that I depended on and took for granted have changed. Being married to someone who has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and a Traumatic Brain Injury is life-changing to say the least. Every day is different. I think that is why I struggle with Mixed Media art. Since my life is a bit unpredictable, I like my art to have some neatness and order to it if that makes sense.

What is the biggest challenge you personally face as an artist and how do you overcome it?
Sometimes I go to my craft room and stand there not having a clue what to do. It's as if all my creativity has drained out of me. I want to do something but I have no ideas coming to mind. I'm surrounded by a room full of acrylics, watercolors, markers, paper, embellishments, magazines, books, journals etc and my mind is completely blank. Those are the days I know I need to read a book, visit a friend, go for a walk, exercise, watch TV etc. I realize that I won’t feel creative every day and that's ok. Before I know it, I'll be back in the craft room getting my hands messy again.

Do you think you have achieved a uniquely recognisable style as an artist, or do you find it a struggle to find your own style?
Since I enjoy doing various types of art, I find it a struggle to develop my own style. As an example, I love working with vintage images from the 40's - 60's. My dad was a movie director in Hollywood so I'm passionate about creating things with all the wonderful ephemera he left behind! He was in his 50's when I was born so we're talking "classic old Hollywood" which I adore. I also love painting images for children, so I'm not sure that my style will be recognized because of how different they are from each other.

What is your heart’s greatest desire for your life as an artist?
I recently opened an Etsy store and sold my first item. It was the most satisfying feeling to know that someone appreciated my art. That is what motivates me more than anything. It's not about the money, it's about creating things that people enjoy. I love to personalize gifts for friends and family. I love to know that something that I made is in someone else's home. I also want to encourage other women who are struggling as I am, to find encouragement and healing through art and journaling. That has been my saving grace. The time I spend in my craft room is for me, and it is one of the greatest things I do that keeps me emotionally healthy.

Tell us where can we find out more about you & your art?
You can read more about me on my blog: Once there you can find links to my Youtube videos, Flicker, Facebook, Pinterest and Etsy. Most of the photos of my artwork is posted on Flickr where you'll find a variety of art I have done. I'd love for you to stop by and visit my blog sometime! It's fairly new still, but it has been one of my goals that I have achieved and I'm really proud of it.

Thank you so much for sharing your life and art Marion, I'm sure everyone's love will go out to you when they read what your husband went through and now what both of you go through on a daily basis as a consequence. I think many will also be able to relate to the 'wanting order' wish, when life feels unpredictable it's just part of human nature but I don't think your affair with mixed media is over by any means...and really you hit the nail on the head when you said 'artistic skills can be improved with practice, patience and time.' Perhaps one day you will wake up and want the messiness and craziness of mixed media, to let off some steam by being totally un-ordered and that will be your next art phase...we never know what the future will bring. 

And lately I've been realising that it's not really our business to force our artistic futures, it's more our jobs as creatives to let what will happen happen, and just be grateful that we are those creatives in the first place =)

Want to join the TAT-ranks??

Email me or click the link to find all the details here =)

Sunday 15 September 2013

Fluorescent Playtime Vlog

'ello, hope you're having an AWEsome Sunday afternoon

I have just a lil vlog to show you, it's nothing special just a vlog of me playing with some new paints but I just wanted to show that this is the kinda thing I do everytime I get a new product. I let loose, so that you can test the product, without being controlled by the limitations of having to produce something 'good'. 

If the speed of this vid bores you, (as it is a vlog I didn't spend ages cutting and chopping, just let it ran through my 25mins play) just click '2' on the 'Speed' to double it up ;)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend
Much love

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Tell All Tuesday ~ Featured Artist: Darcy Wilkinson

Hi guys it's tuuuuuuuuesday, 
which means around here means it's TAT time yay =) 

Just a head's up if you want to be part of TAT I'm running low of interviewees so now's the time to email me saying 
Jennibellie I wana TAT it!
If you have done that already you should have an email in your inbox with all the details now ~ it's partly my fault I've been so busy my emails have been stacking but hopefully we're back on track now. Okay this week our TATer is a lovely lady and fellow English Rose --- yeah you see how I managed to compliment myself while supposedly giving a compliment there? that takes skill tee hee ~ but still it's valid for Darcy. 
Enjoy her interview ;)

Tell us a little about yourself and what kind of artist you are.
Hi, my name is Darcy. I am 43 years old and I live in the North East of the UK. Professionally I would be considered a Mixed Media Artist, though I shy away from the word 'artist' and tend to tell people that I am a gluer and sticker and maker of stuff. I have been creating all my life. My great-grandmother taught me to knit when I was about 4 or 5. A friend taught me to crochet when I was 15. Everything else has been pretty much self taught. Card making, scrap booking, hand embroidery, machine embroidery, bag making, collage and journalling, sketching, painting and creating 3d items.

The only branch I am qualified in is Millinery, but there isn't much call for handmade hats these days. I am actually thankful in many ways that I did not go to art college, it frees me up to bend and break the rules, usually without even knowing what the rules are to start with. Though with that sometimes comes a little frustration when I am not able to figure something out. What kind of artist am I? Well, I do not think I have a specific style, though others tell me they recognize my work. I would say I am pretty eclectic, though I lean more to the grungy, vintagey styles rather than crisp and clean. One thing I do love is layers, I try to incorporate them whenever I can.

What is the biggest challenge you personally face as an artist and how do you overcome it?
I would have to say my biggest challenge is financial. I had to give up my day job several years ago due to health issues. Back then I would go to lots of exhibitions and art/crafts fairs. I would buy whatever supplies I needed, even if I didn't need them. I was able to buy whatever was new on the scene. Now I am very cautious with my spending, I ask for supplies for Christmas and birthdays. When I am able to buy supplies I make sure to top up on basics such as paper, card, glue, tape, paint, plain fabric. With these basics you can create just about anything. I find myself sometimes longing to be able to buy all the new releases, the new paper, the new embellishments, the expensive ranges of paints....but I simply cannot. There is no way around this. But I can overcome not having these items, by making them. Not having disposable income means I have to be more creative, much more now than I used to be. When I was able to buy embellishments, it was easy, buy them and stick them on...job done. Now I have to make them, that means designing, sketching, choosing colours, getting messy with clay or paper making. Time consuming yes, but ohh so much more fun than just buying a product that everybody else has. Being forced to work in this way has made me so much more creative, has taught me so much more. Another way to overcome the problem, is to recycle. You would be amazed at what you can make with an old cardboard box. No wonder children love them so much. Also a great way to get the 'new stash' fix, is to work as part of a Design Team. Lots of companies will give you product in exchange for regular promotion of them. It can be a lot of work, and you must be prepared to commit your time to them, but it is definitely worth it.

What is your hearts greatest desire for your life as an artist.
My greatest wish is to always love what I do. My ambition is to work..and get paid...within the industry, but with this desire comes the worry of turning a much loved hobby into a full time career. Often when that happens the work totally loses its appeal. I worry that I won't be able to be 'creative on demand' but this is the direction that I want to take, and so I must take a leap of faith. By truly loving this part of my life, I hope that I am always inspired, that I am always able to see the beauty and potential in everything around me. With that I hope to pass on that inspiration to others, to help ignite that creativity in people around me. This is why I am always happy to explain my working process, on my blog and at demos.

What is the best/worst thing that art has brought into your life?
The best thing has to be the people that I have met. Without doubt. Those online and those that I have met in person. Creative people are most definitely a breed apart, it is always comforting but also exhilarating to be in their company. On the whole they are warm and friendly, and most are very willing to share their knowledge. I know that without art I would not have met some of my closest friends. We share and swap, ideas and stash. We travel to shows together, and encourage each other daily, who would not want such support in their life. The worst thing is that art has taken over my life and the housework is no longer a priority, but hey that's not really such a bad thing.

Tell us where we can find out more about you and your art
You can always find out what I am up to by visiting my blog. Here I show the pieces that I have made, not just for myself but also the pieces that I make for design teams. I also run various challenges on my blog, and often have give-aways. I have a youtube channel, though I am not a big fan of being in front of the camera, so there isn't much there yet. But I am slowly adding videos here and there. At the moment I am on 2 design teams. For Letraset I contribute to their blog and I also do in-store demos for them. For PaperArtsy I have been a guest designer over this year, and hope to continue working with this very friendly company. On their blog you can type my name into the search box and all my projects will come up. Just one of the items I made for them was this giraffe.

Thank you so much for taking part Darcy, I have to say I LOVE your sculptural giraffe - I'm finding the blue spots quite hipnotising lol
I find it very interesting you use your role in a Design Team & getting supplies to play with as a creative prompt. That could be beneficial for people that do buy a lot of supplies too, if they then allow them to collect dust, by visualising that they are part of a Design Team also and so must make something with that product. Hmmm I am quite diligent at always playing with any new products as soon as I get them, but I may use this tactic to riffle through my drawers to find something that I may not have picked up in a while - that's kinda creativity prompting juice for us all to get cracking on right there =) thanks for sharing

Want to join the TAT-ranks??
Email me or click the link to find all the details here =)

Saturday 7 September 2013

Making Stuff, Making Stuff, Making Stuff...

I just wanted to do a quick post to let you know I am still alive

I often feel like if I've not posted a lot of 'new' that week that people might forget I'm here, making things
 which is silly, especially as I have posted stuff not only two days ago...but still when I'm behind the scenes 'making things, making things, making things' I get impatient at the fact I'm NOT SHARING NOW lol 'coz that's my fav bit this post is just sneaky peeky pics at somethings I've been up to.

*cough* new art zines *cough*

I've mainly been making new products for my online shop, as I said in a recent post, but then when I said that I meant new stuff that just needed the finishing touches to them however now I'm a like a crazy woman that's been making even more stuff. 

Not all of it's for sale exactly, 
some is just funky packaging
...just because I love sending out the *best* parcels ever lol 
'coz that's my fav bit of this area ;)

my new large envelopes to transport some upcoming handmade art supplies: 

gorgeous no?!

I've also been making videos...well just the actual parts 
where I record me making something, 
because as I may have already mentioned 
I am in full 'making things, making things, making things' mode

Upcoming vlog (...when I get around to editing mode lol):

and finally journal page I shared on flickr, facebook etc yesterday:

So that's all for now folks, 
don't forget there is a giveaway on my facebook page at the minute for anyone who wants a chance at winning some of my new giant art journal page postcard prints:

(Names drawn tomorrow so hurry)

Happy weekend
Much love

Thursday 5 September 2013

How to Seal Your Art Journal Pages

Hello lovelies, 
I have a new video for you
'Ways to Seal Your Art Journal Pages'

it's just a little faq/fyi/show-n-tell sorta video
to help clear up the question 'how to I seal/prevent sticky pages'
in which I give away my secret weapon for super-fab sealed pages =)
Enjoy beautiful xoxo

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Tell All Tuesday ~ Featured Artist: Eny L

Hello, happy first tuesday of September... I know, I know three quarters through the year month eek!! I feel like I've run around the first three days of this month constantly shouting 'how did that happen?! how did that happen?!' Geez, you think 2013 would give us some courtesy to catch our breath, just a little...but no! Anyhoo, it is tuesday so YAY it's artist interview time, eeeeeenjoy =)

Tell us a little bit about yourself & what kind of artist you are.
I go by many names, but the names I've been using now are Miss Coconut (which has become more the name of my business or business-side rather than just me recently) and Eny or Eny Space Captain. I love sciences and numbers (though I wouldn't actually proclaim to be very good at math). I like to do all sorts of different art: Drawing, painting (mostly watercolours), or mixed media are probably my favourites.

What is the biggest challenge you personally face as an artist and how do you overcome it?
My biggest challenge is probably procrastination. When I need to begin big projects or end them, I tend to procrastinate most. I get overwhelmed with either having to start somewhere or ending and realising I will need to start something again. I can't think of any methods I have to overcome this, except to just observe that I am procrastinating and sit down and do what I need to do. I will sometimes make lists to help myself get organised and find a place to start. (Though I end up losing them sometimes and have to make them over again...)

What is your greatest personal achievement either in your art, or because of it?
I have more confidence now. Selling my art requires contact with, you know, -- actual human beings! What! -- And that, through the experience of selling my artwork, has given me more confidence in talking to people and being straight-forward with decisions. In addition to selling my artwork, I've been 'doing art' for many years now, and I'm at a place where I can really say I enjoy the outcome of my artwork more often than not. This has provided me with confidence as well (or did I get more confidence which inspired better work/a different outlook? Both?).

I've also seen things I like about working on art. I really value boldness in art. When I see someone creating and they are bold about it, confident, -- they know they can make it even if it doesn't seem that way at that time, or they have an idea and go for it boldly instead of deliberating every little thing, -- that's when I think, 'That person really knows what they're doing!' I'd like to be able to do that, not just in my art, but elsewhere in life too.

What do you most wish your art to achieve? / What messages do you try to portray in your work and do you feel you achieve it?
These questions, for me, are very close and difficult to separate. Art is about the execution of an idea, not the idea itself, -- so, sometimes I just want to make pretty things with no real message behind it. But my brain is always going (well, I certainly hope it is!), and many times, even if I just wanted to make a pretty picture, I had some message lingering in that purgatory between sub-consciousness and consciousness that I may vaguely register. Though, it perhaps isn't a message I'm intending to share, but rather an idea I want to use because I personally enjoy it.

Generally, I try to have at least slightly ambiguous emotions, because I like the idea of people viewing the piece and putting some emotions to the picture so they can relate to it, creating more of an interactive experience between the viewer and artwork. I hope this helps people feel less lonely, seeing a piece that, in some way, reflects their own feelings, at least a little bit. Of course, my own feelings are in them too. I 'think too much', so my ideas, beliefs, thoughts, interests, &c are present as well. People may not see it all the time; and I have a difficult time talking about them sometimes, so I may not point them out directly. I'm sure some are more obvious, though.

Tell us where can we find out more about you & your art?

Thank you for sharing Eny =) what I've taken from your interview is that I am beginning to register the 'message lingering in that purgatory between sub-consciousness and consciousness that I may vaguely register' in my own work too. I remember reading something in a creative writing course once, about how we can only ever produce work that will clearly show the traces of our own minds in them, even if we are unaware of it. In arts case I think we sometimes think it won't because we are just 'playing'. But it has made me occasionally not so much analyse, well yeah may be a little, what I have created in a new light...allowing my conscious to give space and focus what is going on in my subconscious.

I think if we all just concentrated a little more ~ listened to what we were telling ourselves a little more ~ we (well, I, for one) would be filled with so much more wisdom. I intend to make more of a conscious effect because it's always there, available in abundance when we give advice to our best friends, but rarely registered in reference to ourselves...but as artists we are lucky; if we look, it's often right there, in our art.

You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul.
George Bernard Shaw 

Do you wanna TAT it??
Email me or click the link to find all the details here =)

Sunday 1 September 2013

What I've Been Up To...and a Giveaway

So as I said in the last TAT, I feel like I've not been online much at all this past week....because well it's true lol

but I have been busy making things YAY!

So you have videos and new things coming
(I know I'm a tease ;) ) whoop!
but for now I'm just going to share that I've been making a whole bunch of new fun things for my shop WOOHOO! Not all are ready yet =( but these are: professional prints of my art journal pages.

...which I have subtly decorated my bed nook walls in ;) 
(As I don't usually spread my art about outside of my studio I felt like a teenager doing it but I thought hell, I'm not married so I'm going to embrace my bedroom decor being all my own ;) tee hee)

These are not traditional prints however because I made them into mailable postcards, they just happen to be the Giant oversized kind:

And they are also incredibly cheaper than traditional prints, £2.50 each or £10 in sets of 5 as shown below.  So you can smash 'em, frame 'em, cut 'em up for collage, use 'em for inspiration, post 'em, whatever, for a fraction of the cost of traditional prints.

Here is each of the juicy sets:
(click on for a closer look)

There is also going to be a chance to win a set on my facebook page later today ;)

If you have already brought some postcard prints, a set, or want to but are worried about entering too don't worry, do it...and I will just make sure you get some fresh designs sent out to you if you are a lucky winner =)

So be sure to check that giveaway later on
and I'm sure I'll be seeing you again real soon to reveal the next thing I've been up to ;)
Much love