Saturday, 4 May 2013

Have you ever...

had a burning question for me?
I've spent the day answering your qu's and I've jiggled about my blog so I now have an 'About Me and FAQs' page YAY!

I decided the best way to tackle the amount of questions I get posed via email, youtube, facebook, twitter, flickr, you name it, is to dedicate a place where I can answer those that crop up time and again (and just for the nosey few that wanna read em all too ;) ). 

I love getting mail, and I love connecting with you all, so please don't stop. It's just the amount of questions coming at me has now gotten to a point where I feel all I'm doing online is answering queries, and I'm beginning to sink! I'm only one person. So hopefully this will help me out some by answering those that all have the same questions of art supplies, video making and online pursuits. Or if nothing else you'll see some cute (& scary - top right!) pics of Sweepie lol

I've also created a special place for my blog tutorials, which I'll hopefully be doing more of in the future, whoop!

So that's it for now, Jennibellie is over and out and Jenny's going to take over with a chillaxing evening, go check out my new pages and if you can think of any other glaringly obvious regularly asked questions for me leave em in the comments of this blogpost, it'll be an ongoing evolutionary exercise =)

much love & happy weekend


  1. NICELY done, Jenny!! It was a helpful and much needed page. I imagine it will grow, as well, as more of the same-type of queries land and you see patterns in them. I look forward to your next "thing" m'lady!! (((hugs))) Share with Sweepie! :-)

  2. This is a great idea. It will help those who follow you and it helps you cut back on the time it takes to answer numerous questions.

  3. Call me a neon-silvered-blonde but I just now caught the Blog Tutorials link and I had completely forgotten about the Shimmer Paints. I remember thinking I want to do those at the time of that blog but I buy Liquitex tube paints. :-( I will have to get a few of the empty 2 oz bottles so I can make those. Love shimmery thingies!

  4. Thank you Jennibellie for this practical re-organisation! :) I spent my last Wednesday (holiday in France) looking through your blog for tutorials, if I had knew you were going to do that I would have waited... ;)
    I have plenty of projects on the row thanks to the insipration you gave me! :)
