Saturday, 10 November 2012

My Troll Book

Hey guys, just a quick share today, my online chums Lisa & Yolanda sent me a mini journal on the day I reeeeally needed to get out some negative emotions regarding online trolls (some of you may remember it from a post I did on my facebook page), and turn it into something positive...hence my Troll Book was born:
Thank you so much ladies =) I fill it with quotes, sayings & things other nice online people have given to me =D 
Here is the original video the ladies did to show the book before they sent it:
It's really working so far, helping me psychologically understand the negative impacts the internet has had on human nature, including releasing some of the worst traits of our behaviour due to the safety of anonymity, which unfortunately I think will only be exasperated with the growth of the internet in coming years. 
But most importantly it's working to remind me why I bother doing what I do when it does get me heat from certain people who seem to have made a mission statement of these worst traits...and basically the answer is; none of it is for them, it's for you ;) you who is sat there reading this and the reason why I will continue to do what I do - mainly trying to bring joy to myself and others - regardless of what the mission statement people will ever think, feel or do!
Much love, Jennibellie x


  1. I love your art and creativity, Jenni! I love the fact that you take time to make videos for stunted artistic types like myself, so that we can see how "easy" it is to be creative instead of how hard or perfect we thought art should

    Internet Trolls serve one purpose only----to raise our blood pressure so we get ill and have to go to a doctor. I bet all trolls are hired by medical professionals to drum up business!

  2. I, for one, am ENJOYING your videos and posts. I only recently found you, but I am glad I did. Thanks for not giving up :) oh, and the mini journal was an amazing and thoughtful gift. So glad they gave it to you

  3. I love your work and could listen to you talk for hours. Trolls are piles of pig poop. Every been out to a pig farm? Well you know how vile that stuff is, then.

  4. Jennibelle, what an amazing and thoughtful gift your friends made you!! Never let what other people say about you to define you. I'm going to share with you my mantra I used for 2012.... "How others treat you is their path, how you respond, is yours" . Simple words.....and when you really read them and understand them, they make soooo much sense!! So, continue to bring joy through your videos and blog postings to many, many very appreciative friends and fans Jennibelle. YOU are an amazing person....YOU are an amazingly talented woman....YOU are an amazingly giving person. YOU rock!!

    Much luv,
    Yvonne. :)

  5. Jennibelle, never allow anyone to define who you are by what they say. Let the nay sayers say what they's themselves they're unhappy with and you don't need to take that on as your own. I'm going to share with you my mantra I used for 2012. "How others treat you is their path. How you respond is yours". Simple words......and when you really read them and think about them, sooooo true! YOU are an amazing woman.......YOU are amazingly talented......YOU are amazingly generous with your talent as you share it through your blog and your videos. Keep up the good work and I know I very much enjoy watching and learning from you. <3

    Much luv,

  6. Please Jenni, don't give one second of your precious life to those trolls, they don't even deserve a look from you.
    You are generous, brilliant, talented, and your blog is a great place to know!! I send you my best thoughts and a full load of encouragements!

  7. Well I for one really enjoy your blog...your tutorials are a pleasure to watch and learn from and enjoy, in fact I look forward to you posting them here. So keep up the good work, it is appreciated by so many, including me :)

  8. I feel sorry for people who feel they must tear down something that is simply beautiful. Trolls are everywhere--be sure to get the fact that they are not just bothering you. Some of them are downright cruel like the ones that were putting out videos mimicing another facebooker I know of. I don't see the benefit they get from such destructive behavior. Oh well. Like you said, your videos are not meant to please them. They are an inspiration to those who watch faithfully and want to understand the creative process.

  9. Thank you for bravely sharing your creativity with me and all your other internet friends. And I'm so impressed with Lisa's & Yolanda"s lovely gift.

  10. U r such an inspiration to me! Especially during this time in my life when so much around me is going wrong and I am fighting to carry on when all i really want to do is throw in the towel, curl up into a ball and roll out with the tide. I get so excited when I see there's a new post or vid cus I know its going to be something fun and different. Please don't let the haters stop u, and I pray blessings continue to flow ur way. Be Blissed, La

  11. you absolutely bring joy to me and many others, please dont stop what your doing your awesome.

  12. I am in the US and have been following you for a couple of months and bookmarked you. I check your YouTube updates every week. I love your creativity and you inspire me to try new things. I'm not an artist, but take your ideas to my card making and scrapbooking. There are may haters, but there are more than double of people who aren't. Hang in there and don't let them get you down. You have lots people on the net to support you. Thank you for sharing yourself.

  13. I am in the US and I check out your videos on YouTube weekly. You inspire me to think outside the box. I scrap and make cards. I am not an artist, but I do love to create. There are many haters in the inter-net world, but there are more people out there who aren't and they are the ones who count. I love your vids. Don't stop and hang in there.

  14. I've only recently found you, but your videos have inspired both me and my daughter (8 years old). I even made my daughter an art journal from one of your tutorials! :-) Please keep doing what you are doing and don't let the negativity of others get in the way of your journey. You are amazing and talented, and it would be a shame to let the voice of a few drown out the voices of so many others who benefit so very much from your inspiration and encouragement. Thank you so much for being so generous with your knowledge and talent and time!! And for sharing so much of you! (((hugs)))

  15. people like your "trolls" behave/live their lives from a standpoint of fear, insecurity and envy. I think that must be the saddest way to live. I feel rather sorry for them in a way- they have no idea what they're missing out on in life.

  16. Hi Jennibellie,
    I've noticed that some people disable like or dislike for their videos and some have "approval may be required" for comments. If I were posting videos I think I would do that.

  17. P.S. and look at all the wonderful, uplifting, encouraging comments you have received. Obviously, you deserve them!!

  18. Trolls and meanies are everywhere... internet gives them the chance to hide behind a screen, which only makes them cowards.
    Mean words always hurt, no matter how much we try to understand why people act like that...
    You just need to focus on all the good feedback you get and ignore the trolls, will get easier every time.
    I know you are a positive person and don't let these silly people bring you down, but I wanted to give my support too :)
    Have a nice day and stay happy <3

  19. i love, love, love this one. and i am deeply touched by those generous ladies who made you that small journal. it is amazing how one open heart could create waves of open hearts!!! just wonderful! to those who come from negative zones, just 'snap' them away from your "space" :) lol! and blow them a kiss. they need love to heal. it is their unloved wounded hurt self who come out and create the ugly energy. just stay centered in the love in your heart. you are safe in it. nobody could hurt you in there. lots of hugs to you, alpha

  20. A beautiful journal to begin with! And lovely to see what you made in it. It's sad that there are people who can't apreciate the positive energie you spread around! I love your blog and feel very lucky you wanna spend time on making those lovely video's.
    I've made your buttons and posted them on my blog with a link to your blog on the tutorial. But she commented and said she couldn't open the video but she would love to know how the buttons where made. So my question is if it's all right if I make some photo's of the progress and post them? I will relink to your blog again of course!

    Love Susan

  21. Once again YOU DID IT! The most interesting learning
    video, You have took all those negtive thoughs and turn it around and made a great video out of it. The more bad thought you get, Make a book or a video, or something...
    Make it a changle, You can make more, do more,play more,
    Have fun more, teach more people things, than any old bad commets, You are high on many peoples list,You fit right up there with the best artist around..
    XOXO Betty from Texas

  22. ignore all this stupid trolls ... stupid peaple are everywhere... no matter.. do what you want to do..
    I love your artwork and tutorial!

    You are so talented, goodlooking and a highlight on my you tube abos!

  23. My mother always used to say... Jealousy makes people nasty. ;o)

  24. I check your blog daily and love the videos you make - thank you for taking the time to share your inspirational work and being so generous with your ideas.

    Please do not let these nasty people have an impact on the talented, lovely person you are.

  25. I love your videos and I think you are so inspirational (I don't know right word :)) to me. Thank you for making videos.
    I have never commented on your blog, but on Youtube I have couple times.

  26. You try to build us up, encourage our endeavors, uplift us, with your creativity and ideas. Don't let ???whoever tear you down. Don't give them any power by doubting yourself. The fact that they use the anonymity of the internet to hide behind yet lash out to hurt, is pathetic. We must feel sorry for those that hurt us, even pray for them. If they don't appreciate your generosity and sweetness, then they should not waste their time watching or bashing you. Interestingly, they waste their precious time tearing people down, while others like you, spend your time productively, unselfishly, helping others. Don't give a second of your precious time to acknowledge. Ignore it! We love ya, and appreciate all the time that you spend making these videos and tutorials. You will never know the wonderful impact that you have made on so many people. I, for one, look forward to every blog post and video that you make. Thank you so much for all that you have done to help us wannebees. You are an excellent teacher and muse. And it doesn't hurt that you are just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. You seem so sincere and sweet, so don't let meanspirited, envious people trouble your sweet soul!

  27. Idea: print out all the wonderful comments you have received (i know there are hundreds!) and glue them into a book to read and remind yourself how much we care and appreciate you.....

  28. The nasty ones (or probably just one) only hate you because you are really beautiful. Beautiful face, beautiful hair.
    Makes the jealous one mad.
    Ha Ha to that person.
    Trust me, that's all it is. Jealous because you are sooo pretty.

  29. You know you're doing something right when somebody tries to stop you.

    Don't let them get to you; you're a very talented and wonderful young woman, and the art world (and internet) would be a lot darker without people like you.


  30. Jennibellie, this is the first time I have posted a comment to you and I want you to know that your work has inspired me to step outside of my box and try new things. I love the way you work and your videos are fantastic. Don't let negative people carry you down to their level. Rise above and shine with a glow that only you possess.

  31. I just don't understand why there are people in the world who feel this inate need to have to try and bring down others. I believe that they are so unhappy with the state of their own lives that to elevate themselves, they lash out at others. It comes from jealousy. Either that or they were dropped on their empty little heads one too many times and just have NO common sense what so ever.
    Either way, it is sad that when you are trying to share so much beauty with others and people want to try and take it from you!! You bring so much joy, love and happiness into our lives, the world is blessed to have you in it!!! I am very grateful for what you choose to share with us. You have taught and inspired me a great deal.
    I have had a really difficult past 2 yrs, what I have learned from you has brought some light back into my life. I look forward to getting your emails. I for one(and I am sure countless others) would be TOTALLY BUMMED if you chose not to do what you do. BTW.... NO pressure there!!! LOL :)
    You Jennibellie are truly one of a kind. Don't ever stop being who you are, or stop doing what you love, or doubt what you do for the rest of us. (Sorry so lengthy)

  32. Some people are just horrible to try and bring their targets down to the same depths of misery they are in themselves. They can't bear to see anyone being happy and contented. You are much better than that and have such a good heart in sharing your art and talent and processes etc with us all. The majority of people are good and kind and 'live and let live'. I feel sorry for the haters - they will never know such contentment because they will not open their eyes and their hearts to see the beauty around us all.
    Keep on crafting girl and the love will spread, brush-stroke by paint splash :0))) Mo x

  33. Just wanted to thank you Jenniebellie for all the inspiration you have given to me. I didn't have any self confidence that I could even try making art, but I tried it after watching your videos and am having so much fun doing it! (I don't think I would call it "art", but I am having fun with the learning process anyway! :) ) Thank you so much for all you do, I and so many others appreciate all you do! Renee

  34. They are two of the sweetest ladies! Love the journal and how you are going to use it.

  35. I'm glad it's helping. that's a wonderful journal. ;)

  36. Jennibellie,

    You are so deserving of this gift! I love this site. I have learned so much from you. Sometimes what I learn is to go back to my Golden fluids and canvas; other times I break out of the box and try new things.

    Either way you have enriched my artistic journey.

    Thank you!

  37. What a beautiful and kind thing these ladies did for you! I love the book! Wishing you only the best! :)

  38. Hello Jennibelle,
    I have just found your lovely blog and just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for sharing such lovely tutorials and gorgeous creations. I will certainly be popping back to look through and watch more of your fab videos. It is sooo lovely to be able to watch and enjoy the things you make and show here in France. when I first saw you name I thought it read "Jennibelle" not Jennebellie and as I think that Jennibelle suits you better I will use that instead son long as you don't mind.
    bon soir er merci beaucoup encore,
    à bientôt,
