Sunday, 23 September 2012

Less Speed, More Haste

Does everybody feel like they're always playing catch-up, or is it just me? Does anybody else constantly feel like they're on the back foot ~ no matter what you do, no matter how much you get done, nothing ever gets completely finished? We're made to understand everybody feels like this sometimes, so am I abnormal in feeling it continually? Or is it just a myth; that all the people you think have it together don't in actuality because the day your work is truly done is the day you die? This is what the below page is about, thrown together in the late hours of last night, because even in my artwork I feel like I'm constantly behind...
possibly due to the fact that I've always too many ideas & projects on the go at once, but I wouldn't change that...not for all the half-imagined, half-finished projects currently cluttering up my art room, nor all the tea in China.


  1. I can completely relate to your thoughts in this post! I'm always especially behind with my art projects. I really feel that so many people who seem to have it all together also have these days of feeling overwhelmed. But better to have too many ideas/projects than none at all, right?

    I love your art and seem to be one who always has it organized and together :)

  2. I do feel your feelings and thought you wrote. And I agree.
    I love your work and makes me happy to see and to reed your words.
    Lovely greet

  3. I am so with you on this one! I never seem to catch up but perhaps thats the answer always having something to work towards?
    hugs Aly x

  4. Hello,
    I love all of your work. Our projects are not a series of lists, like 1, 2, 3, 4...Rather they are completed in circular ways, and we go back and forth doing other things which must be done in order to finish each one. Sort of like starting something, then going to the store to buy an ingredient, then returning to the task. : ) Thanks for being you, Jennibelle.

  5. I agree with Dorothy. I just "Thank You" for being yourself.

  6. I think our society teaches us to do too much because we are constantly on overload from the media. However, having "too many" art projects is a good thing. lol

  7. I think everyone just needs one day a week for themselves to do as they wish so the other 6 days can be spend slogging for "The Man"

  8. Oh, so true...I constantly put pressure on myself to do more. Sometimes when I look at certain blogs and ETSY shops I feel like a real slug...I wonder how those artists get so much accomplished. But then, I just decide that what and how much I do is long as I'm enjoying what I do. Jennibellie, thank you for your constant inspiration and honesty. xx Christie

    1. I totally agree,We don't need to compare ourselves to others.Our Art is a personal thing.To be done at our own speed and in our own time.We do tend to put pressure on ourselves.So lets stop it!!!and just enjoy the process** ;) x

  9. I feel the same way and am trying to live in the present. I think it is your creativity that make you always have another idea. I have started to write down what want to do and If I don't get it done I put it on the next list. I art journal on the list for weeks now an I never get to it but I will if I keep it on the list. If I don't I will never do it and that would be a shame.
    I have enjoyed reading your blog and the comments. Thanks for posting the question.

  10. i feel exactly that most of the time :) i love the element of clock on your page. and i like the most how you are able to express what you feel/think in the "now". i still am up there in my head too much when i create a page. you are inspiring! thanks...
    melinda alpha trinidad-shanahan (alpha shanahan)

  11. I agree with the feeling, and with everyone's comments.
    I always seem to have more on the go then I can seem to finish.
    I'm amazed when I see other artists complete five or six projects in a couple of days, when I can't seem to get through one project a month.

    You're not alone. I love reading this blog because it's like you're the artistic voice for the voiceless...

  12. You are not alone! I feel like I'm always in over-drive. A lady at work asked me last week, "do you ever just not do anything?" I had to think about that and then responded, "no!" Staying busy gives me a creative edge. Slowing down slows my brain down and I get in a funky state of cloudiness. I hate that feeling.

    I love your blogs, your art, your inspiration and all that you share!!!

  13. Lovely creations ~ colors and all! ~ Yes, I have my moments feeling like you do ~ constantly working on 'balance' and trying to slow down and enjoy each moment ~ I have a tendency to try and do too much and realized now I am learning to slow my pace ~ takes practice like anything ~ You have lots of creative energy ~ but no matter how 'fast' you go ~ one can only do just so much ~ and life gets in the way at times ~ it is the way it is ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  14. When I was your age, I wanted more hours in a day. Now, I'm more concerned with making the most of each hour. PLEASE take a deep breath and love what you're doing.

  15. love all your art and your videos, and yes i hear you, everone I look at i think how do they do it, the art looks like it appear effortlessly, i dont work, and still wonder where all the time goes, and end up in the studio late at night creating

  16. I know what you're saying - it sounds very familiar!
    I've just gone back to work after a weeks holiday. I really anjoyed the time off and I felt as though I got to grips with loads of stuff that needed sorting out. You know when life feels a mess and you really have to do some serious de-cluttering and prioritising of things.
    Anyway, every time this happens I tell myself I will stay in control even when I'm back at work (full time) and there is so much more demand on my time.
    It usually doesnt work - within weeks (or even days) I feel like I've taken my eye off the ball and everything goes pearshaped.
    But...this time Im hoping I'll be able to keep it all together for much longer because I'm doing on online class - basically a pretty planner which you make yourself with lots of cute arty bits, and discussion groups where members can share their work and ideas and keep each other motivated - which should help me stay in control.
    I guess we'll see....!!

    Lots of love,

  17. Oh, I absolutely feel the same way you do! All the time, each and every day. Just when I feel like I'm on top of one thing, like blogging, I realized that something else is being neglected -- usually housework. Or dishes. Or friends.

    Honestly, I think a lot of people feel this way. Western culture seems to be a culture of busyness -- there's always something new to fill our time, and it's presented as something else we can't live without. Sometimes I want to run away and form my own society, where people can spend time on the things they want, and we have robots or trained monkeys to do the other stuff for us. ;)

    1. What you say is sooo true. My dream is a beach hut,where I can do my Art to my hearts content** without interuption' Unless I want it"But I am happy enough with my small studio where I can look out to my lovely garden (another distraction, sigh)and think myself lucky** ;)

  18. I do feel like I am always behind...especially with my blog. I never get posts up on time. It's crazy!
