Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Tell All Tuesday ~ Featured Artist: Rebecca Walker

Hey guys, it's another Tuesday...already! And another artist is ready and waiting in the wings. This week it is an artist that is working in many different areas and the nearest geographically to me yet. Her name is Rebecca Walker, I'm going to save my opinions on this one until the end of the post; I'll tell you why later. Enjoy the interview:

Tell us a little bit about yourself & what kind of artist you are.
My name is Rebecca Walker, I'm an artist currently based in the midlands. I play around with all sorts of media and techniques but more recently, now that I have finished university, I have taken a more jewellery-making path since I have free time. When I`m at university, I specialize in painting and collage.
What is the biggest challenge you personally face as an artist and how do you overcome it?
I guess it is looking at my art, I mean, I always think that something I create is amazing for like...a few hours, then it comes to looking at it again and get depressed, thinking that it`s not good enough. Especially when I look at somebody else`s work and compare it to how crap my own is in comparison. Confidence is probably my greatest challenge, as is many other artists that I have come across in the past. I tell myself that it`s fine and that it`s a learning curve, when I finally received my first purchase, my confidence was boosted, I thought, wow, somebody actually appreciates my work enough to want to take it home with them. All I can say to you artists is to never give up, know that somebody out there loves your work.

Do you ever lose your mojo, and if so, how do you get it back?
Oh yes, lots of times! The typical answer to that would be to look at other artists` work, or to sit and cry. Unfortunately one of my answers would be to sit and cry. I`m forever fighting the artist`s block but in order to conquer the beast, there are lots of things that I do as an artist. Firstly I look back at my previous work, what can I do to improve this? Or I go for a little walk with my dog, usually helps me to clear my head and think of some inspiration. There`s also nothing like the rhythm of one of your favourite tunes! My inspiration is heavy metal, since it gets me pumped, angry and wanting to just throw my brush at a blank canvas. My greatest inspiration, as cheesy as this sounds, is artists on youtube, this was how I was drawn to Jennibellie and many, many other artists online providing tutorials on how to do something, or showing me their works.

What is your heart’s greatest desire for your life as an artist?
To make my late grandfather proud of me. When I was a young girl, I was very close to him. When I used to visit him, the first thing we would do together would be to get out the paintbrushes and water-colours, and paint away to our heart`s content. Oh how I wish I`d kept those paintings as a source of inspiration for now! Unfortunately my grandfather died two years ago and I must say it was the most heart-breaking experience of my life. I changed as an artist from that day, my paintings became more abstract and expressionistic. I also want to be able to get my artwork up in a gallery, having thousands of people seeing my artwork would just be a massive leap in my confidence. Although I have had a piece of my work in a gallery once, I would love for it to be in one of the big galleries, like Tate. That is my goal in life.

Tell us where can we find out more about you & your art?
I am currently developing a facebook page showing my jewellery work (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Munster-Creations/250296721724649), but I don`t actually have many photos of my paintings, again, that is the fault of my lack of confidence enough to express myself. That`s about it.

Thank you Rebecca =) from what I interpreted from reading the interview, you are someone who is very much growing, developing and shaping yourself as an artist. This is, of course, something that never stops for any artist, but I think Rebecca's interview is actually one of the bravest (and that's saying something because every single TAT interview has been so!) I have read yet...because it is completely RAW. This, I guess, is reason I didn't want to give my opinion of what I thought earlier because I wanted to hear the thoughts of others without my subliminally influencing how it was read in any way but from reading this interview I feel like I truly see Rebecca, and I think that is not only very rare, but very valued. Thank you so much for sharing your feelings and your lovely work Rebecca.

Would you like to be a featured artist? Please click the TAT lady on the right for the info.


  1. Rebecca is a very honest woman and I think that will make her a great artist. Follow your heart Rebecca...and don't worry about what others think. (And yes...there are times when I need to follow my own advice).

  2. Rebecca I absolutely love your rings! Thank you for this incredibly honest interview. I think confidence comes in stages, sometimes from mini triumphs like someone buying your work and then also with time and experience. I'm at the point now where if I'm happy with my work no one can bring me down. I've done a lot of abstract work and some people love it and others don't. I just think to myself, "I don't love a lot of what I see out there, but how brave was that person to put themselves out there in the first place?"

  3. Ah thank you so much everyone! Didn't realize this was posted until somebody mentioned on my facebook page! Jennibellie thank you so much for the little comment at the bottom. You too are a wonderful woman and thank you for the lovely comments above!

  4. Rebecca, I just adore those rings! I have so many scraps of fibers and buttons that you'e inspired me to whip up a few of these when the weather cools down. Those would be really fun to wear during the cold winter days here in the Ohio snow belt! I'll look for you on FB

    1. I'm glad you like them Angelia! They are very quick and very simply to make once you get the hang of knitting. I saw a girl on youtube doing craft videos wearing one and I fell in love and decided to try it for myself, my cupboards then began filling with them. Facebook? Here's a link to my page if that makes life easier for you and other people who are reading this :) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Munster-Creations/250296721724649 or if that link doesn't work, just simply search "Munster Creations" on facebook and a page with a picture of a button bracelet should come up! I also have a folksy too :) http://folksy.com/shops/munstercreations Thank you everyone!

  5. Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing. I feel for you. I am sad for the loss of your grandfather. and I hope your dreams will come true.
    Your art work is great.
