Tuesday 3 January 2012

Happy New Year!!...Finally

First time back in the drivers seat, I don't know how it's managed to get to 2012 already but I'm feeling a little windswept. I don't know why I'm finding life a little difficult right now, perhaps I am taking on too much, but I definitely feel like I'm trudging through treacle! But anyway right now it seems I will manage a whole blog post, and the below Etsy listing, before I have to put on my wellies again.
I made this journal out of a bunch of recycled elements, mainly candy wrappers! I had such fun, it is the first journal I have made for my shop in quite a while and it felt really, really good. 
lots of vintage bits on the front including an Edwardian antique coin from 1907.
I have also managed to do a video tutorial, one of three to do with the Christmas Card Journal tutorial I promised, though it's nothing to do with the actual journal....all will become clear when they're completed and uploaded (as it currently stands you're basically getting a class rather than just a tutorial.)

I have also tried to organise this blog a little better (hence the addition of some top page buttons) but yesterday I spent hoooooooours sorting out a page, realised I hadn't saved it so pressed the save, and then preview pretty much straight after, and the combination together somehow wiped all my work!!!! I was LIVID!!! But perhaps it's life's way of telling me to slow down a little. Hopefully, lack of time won't make everything seem so difficult come next week.... :/....I did say 'hopefully'.

Hope you are having a better start to the year???? Thanks for visiting, Jennibellie xx


  1. Love your candy wrapper journal. Hope your New Year brings lots of creative joys. cheers from jafabrit in ohio

  2. Love your beautiful journal, but sorry to hear about your blogger issues. My new year is starting off well enough I guess.. If I LET it, I think all the New Year's hype and expectations of change and goals, etc, etc, tend to make the whole thing feel more like trying to gulp down a giant horse PILL, than feeling more like the celebration it should be. I hate to see Christmas come to an end too.. I'm a big kid at heart, I know, and I really just LOVE it so MUCH! But I've committed myself to a word for the year, "peace", and imagine slowing down, as you say, if even just a little, will probably be a necessary step, to achieve that inner sense of peace I HEAR of, and WANT so badly! (0; Yes, "hopefully" the new year will bring many good things! Best wishes to you for a blessed and very Happy New Year!! ~tina

  3. Hi Jennibellie! Take a breath, and remember not to put too much on your plate. Each day has enough to do....just do what you can, don't give in to the expectations of you or others, and enjoy your craft. I find that when I have SO SO much going on, nothing gets done right. And that's the time I take a step back, spend time with the Lord and refocus. Then, it get easier!

    Just breathe! And enjoy!

    Hugs, Margo

  4. Here's wishing you a wonderful year! and thanking you for your posts and tutorials. I'm a relatively new reader, but boy o boy, you can give the least creative person on earth new ideas!

  5. A gorgeous journal, Jennibellie! I have days like that too. Try to relax and just do a bit at a time. You'll get there.

    I'm looking forward to following along with you this year. :)

  6. I have MISSED you! Your journal is fabulous but I can't believe you put that coin on there. I'm still saving (hoarding)(greedily)all my really good stuff. I MUST let myself use it this year and now you've encouraged me to do so. Can't wait to see your class!

  7. And I almost forgot...EVERYthing happens for a reason so here's to a lifetime -not just new year - but lifetime - of figuring out how to handle 'it' with peace.

  8. The journal is awesome!!!! We all have those days!!! More than we'd like to admit :0)

  9. Well cheer up Jenny, even I've had trouble this year, I agree with the other bloggers, take it slow, and relax. In fact, I managed to accomplish quite a bit during Christmas vacation; my first video edited, three new paper bag books, and a driven urge to complete projects that haven't been done for over three years. You're doing fine.
    You may not know who I am, but I sent you a message once, and would still like to be a friend. By the way, I feel like sharing my book project with you , since, I'll admit it, some of your projects made me finally take up the recycled idea I've put off for so long. So here's a link, and a thank you for being creative and sparking others creativity too. http://pearllightstudio.blogspot.com/2011/12/trader-joes-paper-bag-books.html

  10. What a darling journal!!
    So sorry you lost all that work! Times like that I want to toss my laptop out the window. But I just take a break and start back in--like you said--slower.
    Glad we connected this past year. :):)

  11. Hey Jenny - looking forward to that tutorial. I have saved a bunch of stuff from December to make some journals so this idea with the christmas cards is perfect timing :-) See you again soon. Happy 2012

  12. I know all about treacle, I feel pretty much the same...it's just about returning to normality after the long break. Shame about your page. Anyway I'm looking forward to the videos, when you post them up:)
    Also what a very interesting and unusual journal!

  13. what a fun journal! happy new year!

  14. Lovely journal - your stuff is beautiful. Yes, it's sickening to lose a page in that way, and even more infuriating somehow if you do it because you're distracted.

    Anyway I hope you're feeling brighter soon
    January makes a lot of people feel that way! Happy new year.

  15. mISSED YOU, jENNY, GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACK! I always feel out of sorts the first couple of weeks of the new year. There's so much pressure and stress inherent in a new year. Then there are all the NEW things we add to our schedules. Hang in there! xoxo

  16. eeek, I haven't been here in a long time. So much for me to see! Happy me!!!

    Love it all Jenny! Love love love!

  17. hello there, I have just discovered your YouTube videos, and now your blog. What a find!!! I have just made a cereal box book - thanks heaps.. I can't wait to embellish it now

  18. This journal is beautiful!! WOW

  19. Welcome back :)

    I'm another one who's clawing my way back to sanity (whatever that may be).

    Love the journal, and looking forward to seeing what else the year brings on your blog.

  20. oh, Jenni Jenni... i have so been there (having my work wiped out!)
    Hoping your days are better already.
    So nice to have you back. Happy New year girl!
    Wishing you the best in 2012. xoxo

  21. Happy New Year to you too. Hope you're feeling a little better now. I'm having a bit of a rough start too, that is to say, I was fine during my vacation, but having a hard time to get back into the daily grind of getting up (way too) early and working full time again. I'm simply exhausted at the end of the day. I'm sure it will get better soon, but for now...I want to sleep!
    Love the journal you made, but then again...I love ALL the journals you make! ;-)

  22. Hi Jenniebellie! I HAVE been missing you online...to the point of wondering about you at odd times of the day...even before but especially since I was using your tutorial. I would be honored and thrilled if you show your readers my journal. :) Thanks!!!
    And PS - I really do love the above journal too! Of course, I love everything you do!!!

  23. Gorgeous journal and a great way to use sweet wrappers. Have had a browse at your Etsy shop and spoiled for choice there - may have to add one to my birthday wish list.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comment on my first-ever attempt at a journal. Only done one page so far but my best intentions often have to wait to be fulfilled. Going to settle down with a coffee and have look at your video tutorials.

  24. I saw what Annie did and your journals are gorgeous. Thanks for inspiring us all to be better at making our own. All materials are good materials!!! xox Corrine
