Friday 29 May 2015

Art as a way to get back on track

So last blogpost I'm all up talking about how I want to blog more...then I take a bigger hiatus from it than I have in ages lol oh well cest le vie.

I have taken an little hiatus from a lot of my 'regular' go-to creative things these past couple of weeks; for example art, the computer (sorry if you are follow me here or other places and have noticed), of books and audiobooks, of my enthusiasm generally for being creative or moving with projects.
It's just been a 
Mojo-NoNo time
but that's okay.
I just needed a break.
It happens to us all.

and for once I didn't allow the critic to freak out and go
'arrrrhhh your creativity's GONE! and it's not coming back. You're so unproductive, that's it you're stuck now and will never create again
because we all know that it will
(though that information might be buried deep down...deep, deep down). 
It's just scary for those days when you have nothing in the tanks (especially when they build day, upon day, upon day).

But as I just said it will come back. It has come back. And I have been working on my first project in ages; the new video for June's Monthly Challenge:

That is what I am doing right now:
I'm sat right here, right now, making the new video thinking about how much doing this has effected me. As artists we talk a lot about getting back to art when life gets busy, messy or hard. What mixed media techniques work best for starting again? How can you be creative for 5 minutes everyday? and so on and so forth.

But what about art helping us get back to life? What I am really thinking about as I sit here is how doing this art has brought me, bit by bit, back to myself...and it's what I shall be talking about/demonstrating in the new Monthly Challenge video, so be sure to check it out. 

(New Challenges are posted on the 1st of every month in the Monthly Challenge Group which you can join here:

Here's a little preview of what it's about
(....though it might not be what you think):

That's all from me for now. I hope that you, no matter where you are, who you are or what you're doing are in a 
Mojo-Helllllooo time
Much love

Friday 15 May 2015

Wish to be a Better Blogger

A couple of this weeks RAW Journal Pages.
The bottom is one I just finished in my outdoor studio. I'm feeling very philosophical this evening and like I'm searching for something. If I find out what it is, I'll let you know. For now though this ramble is going to be a kind of weekly sum up, as apart from a couple of random pages such as above I haven't done much art this week due to being under the weather. 

The said under the weatherness prevented me doing a tutorial I reeeeeeeally had my heart set on doing for the Art Swap Group on Journal Workshops. Fortunately however I felt well enough yesterday to be able to still do some sort of video, so I'll post it for you here in case you haven't signed up to the Art Swap yet and might want to - I think you should, you'll enjoy it =)

If you'd like to join in this months Swap click here, or on the image below:

A couple of days ago I also posted a Facebook Giveaway to win free access to four of my classes, you can enter yourself by clicking on the image below:

A book was delivered today, that I'm in...or at least my art is. I like hundreds of other awesome artists have had work published in Dawn Devries Sokol's new book:
A World of Artist Journal Pages

here's my art journal pages (sorry for the bad pics - it's a mobile only post today apparently lol):

On receiving it I felt quite bad, as I've been feeling a terrible pull lately to post more on my blog. Especially when I think back to when I made these pages in the book (they're probably over two years old now) & how much I used to blog, and be part of a blogging community - joining in blog hops/linky lists and such (for instance I know there's like a million that happen on a friday that despite doing a Weekly Ramble blogpost every friday I just don't link up perhaps this week for the first time in a few years I'll link with Paint Party Friday & Art Journal Every Day to dip my toes into the waters again). I suppose that's what happens when you create an online community, you then lose access to others when you realise that just because you've added more to your days the cosmos still sticks to a solid 24hr regime. But no repining, Journal Workshops is my biggest online achievement & perhaps a biggest one in general & I would not change it for the world. I shall just resolve to do better at blogging!

Thank you (once again) for reading my rambings, 
much love

Friday 8 May 2015

[Private Video] You Are All Right

Hi guys
Hard pushed for time today, so I took the intuition and did a video, which is right .......... 
Much love

Wanna RAW Journal?
Click the image below for further details
(or this link:

RAW Intuitive Journaling is a class about accessing and expressing your own inner truth in your journaling & unlike anything I have shared before. Class is open with instant access to the classroom, downloadable content, work-at-your-own-pace lifetime access and a very affordable price, click here for full details and preview etc:

Friday 1 May 2015

It's What-Day?

I just realised it is Friday....yep, I know, been living it all day and only just noticed? well no, not really, I just mean I realised it's Friday in relation to this, that it is Weekly Ramble day and I haven't gotten anything prepared... forgive me, it's been a rough day. I'll spare you all the details but essentially been battling a migraine for a couple of days, so this is what the evening hours have looked like to me:

my cosy spot of quilts and cushions, my vintage nearing antique copy of Pride and Prejudice (brought from Jane Austens house none-the-less - there's a bookshop in it, not sure that's exactly original haha), chocolate etc

Reading Austen's sentences (that are really whole paragraphs) isn't especially easy going with a waning migraine, but nothing else will work when I felt like I did, it's gotta be p&p (at least it's not Sense and Sensibility, geez those sentences would send me into a complete meltdown - ok, I'm probably only talking to die-hard Austen fans at this point lol moving on). Anyhow I must be feeling increasingly better or I wouldn't be on here horrah! And somehow I have miraculously managed to still post the Monthly Challenge, click the image below to be taken to the new Challenge(s) and video:

The only other news I have is that RAW Class starts in a few days. Woohoo!!
And the Early Bird Bargain Price is still around but only until TOMORROW!
So please ensure you purchase it before then if you want it at a lovely 1/3rd off, you can sign up by clicking the ‘Join Raw Intuitive Journaling’ Button on the top right of the group page here, or click the image below

Sorry I haven't a more substantial a-Ramble, I shall try especially hard to remember that it's Friday next week lol
Much love
Have a great weekend